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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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How are they 'blatantly' doing that?


They aren't doing anything for the electorate. For starters they are hell bent on destroying the NHS and handing contracts out to their mates.........

We KNOW the NHS is a money pit, but there is nothing better anywhere in the world.....all we have to do is fund it. We could do that by implementing a TORY TAX, any Tory supporter or party member should have to pay extra tax. They must be well off to even contemplate voting Tory.


Yes sell off the profitable bits of the NHS to their mates, stick the 'backhanders' in offshore accounts............Both Camerons AND Cleggs families are involved in that caper.


One question, why should obscenely rich men like Cameron and Clegg fight to be politicians........its certainly not to benefit us OR the country.

Those two have vast personal fortunes, they dont need the hassle of goverment, so why do they do it ????

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They aren't doing anything for the electorate. For starters they are hell bent on destroying the NHS and handing contracts out to their mates.........

We KNOW the NHS is a money pit, but there is nothing better anywhere in the world.....all we have to do is fund it.


Maybe you're not aware of the state of the NHS in Wales?


The LABOUR Welsh Government has cut health spending by £400 million - a 6.5% cut - and 27% of people in Wales wait more than six weeks for diagnostic services, compared to 1% in England.


And then have a look at the big bit on Labour's PFI deals:




£135 billion bill because these PFI initiatives cost four times their actual value.


Even SF's favourite The Guardian doesn't have much good to say on the waste:

Labour government 'ignored cheaper alternatives to PFI'


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Enjoying the present cuts are you?


Are you in cookoo land?


Ah i get it,we borrow more money when were in dept!


Funnt really if someone suggested running their domestic affairs like that they would be shot down yet thats how some think the country whould be run that way :rolleyes:

Yes lets get Labour back in so we can go to bankcrupt then we can all wish we just had a few cuts,cuts which in many cases were just bloated unnessercary costs anyway.


Of course dont forget We will not only have the high fuel costs getting to work we have but Labour WILL introduce pay per mile too which for many will make going to work uneconomical.


It doesnt matter who gets in they will all have the same limited resourses,them who think different have something wrong with them.

Painful for some cuts might be but it could be alot worse and it would be under Labour afer all were in this mess after years of years of Labour when things were fruitful but the funds were grossly mismanaged.

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Maybe you're not aware of the state of the NHS in Wales?


The LABOUR Welsh Government has cut health spending by £400 million - a 6.5% cut - and 27% of people in Wales wait more than six weeks for diagnostic services, compared to 1% in England.


And then have a look at the big bit on Labour's PFI deals:




£135 billion bill because these PFI initiatives cost four times their actual value.


Even SF's favourite The Guardian doesn't have much good to say on the waste:

Labour government 'ignored cheaper alternatives to PFI'



Like I said we HAVE to fund it.....why waste money on wars etc. Health and education must come first. As for claims against the NHS.....a lot are bogus moneymaking scams and the NHS falls victim, but please, never privatise the NHS, the poor man will have no health care at all. First point of call in a USA hospital is the paydesk to get your card scanned....then they treat you. I dont trust the Torys, I didn't trust Blair either. Healthcare must be taken out of politics.

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Like I said we HAVE to fund it.....why waste money on wars etc. Health and education must come first. As for claims against the NHS.....a lot are bogus moneymaking scams and the NHS falls victim, but please, never privatise the NHS, the poor man will have no health care at all. First point of call in a USA hospital is the paydesk to get your card scanned....then they treat you. I dont trust the Torys, I didn't trust Blair either. Healthcare must be taken out of politics.



The Cons hate the NHS, they oppose the very principles of it.

Look at their friends in the crackpot US Tea Party movement who despise Obama's health care plans with such venom.

The Cons would love us to move to a US style system, the only thing that stops them is public opinion, if Smarmy Dave had come clean with his Health service plans before the election, they would have got even fewer votes.

Hopefully it will contribute, with many other things to their downfall.

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Yes lets get Labour back in so we can go to bankcrupt then we can all wish we just had a few cuts,cuts which in many cases were just bloated unnessercary costs anyway.


Spot on. They've been in denial for two years with regards to spending and are now only starting to admit they did things wrong.


Until they can show a bit of culpability for their actions only then will they begin to become an electoonable party.


But, saying that some on here would vote Labour regardless and still think Thatcher personally came up here and closed down the pits and took milk from children.

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All those floating voters that fell for cleggs messhia like presentation sadly voted for the conservatives ………… sadly that includes me ………. Oh the shame of it :blush: …….. never again. ……. Sorry dad and granddad.


Why be sad? It's the first time I can remember that a vote for the Liberals hasn't been a wasted vote. They've never been capable of winning outright and have only ever aspired to hold the balance of power. You must have known that.

You got what you voted for.

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The Cons hate the NHS, they oppose the very principles of it.

Look at their friends in the crackpot US Tea Party movement who despise Obama's health care plans with such venom.

The Cons would love us to move to a US style system, the only thing that stops them is public opinion, if Smarmy Dave had come clean with his Health service plans before the election, they would have got even fewer votes.

Hopefully it will contribute, with many other things to their downfall.


A hardcore in the Tea Party movement are no freinds of the British.

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