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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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Spot on. They've been in denial for two years with regards to spending and are now only starting to admit they did things wrong.


Until they can show a bit of culpability for their actions only then will they begin to become an electoonable party.


But, saying that some on here would vote Labour regardless and still think Thatcher personally came up here and closed down the pits and took milk from children.


You are either young and immature or altzeimers is setting in....

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The Cons hate the NHS, they oppose the very principles of it.

Look at their friends in the crackpot US Tea Party movement who despise Obama's health care plans with such venom.

The Cons would love us to move to a US style system, the only thing that stops them is public opinion, if Smarmy Dave had come clean with his Health service plans before the election, they would have got even fewer votes.

Hopefully it will contribute, with many other things to their downfall.


The Cons place no value on life itself......only their own miserable lives. They would let a man die to save a tenner. Remember their election pledge.........."The NHS will be safe in our hands"........Ha bloody Ha !!!!!


It is not "cool" to be a Tory, its lunacy.........:loopy:

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You are either young and immature or altzeimers is setting in....


Since he accurately remembers the devastation of the early 80s being the result of forty years of suicidal policy, and doesn't blame the person who was in charge when it finally had to happen, it seems unlikely that either is true.

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Since he accurately remembers the devastation of the early 80s being the result of forty years of suicidal policy, and doesn't blame the person who was in charge when it finally had to happen, it seems unlikely that either is true.




He must have been on drugs then!:loopy:

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Since he accurately remembers the devastation of the early 80s being the result of forty years of suicidal policy, and doesn't blame the person who was in charge when it finally had to happen, it seems unlikely that either is true.


Nah, he read about it on the 'net. The devastation the Torys caused is inexcusable. Thatcher should have been tried in court for Crimes against Humanity. Labour do make mistakes, Conservatives are malicious, greedy, machiavellian and try to make everything look like an accident when things go wrong. Ken Livingston is right in saying that Thatcher was clinically insane whilst in office...

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Nah, he read about it on the 'net. The devastation the Torys caused is inexcusable.


The devastation was caused by four decades of mismanagement which culminated in our going bankrupt in the late 70s; it wasn't caused by the Government of the early 80s, they just got lumbered with the task of handling it as best they could.


Both parties were culpable on those grounds; both of them had been in power since the war and had plenty of chances to sort things out before it came to such a pass, but the longer you put things off the worse pain you're going to suffer when you have to do them anyway.

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Did you think all that up all by yourself, or did you engage the assistance of a fellow moron?:)


Its thanks to the previous government that the 5.5 billion that had been set aside for everyones pensions has been spent (on what exactly we may never know). Try asking your local labour counsellor what they did with your pension funds and try to get an honest answer, you won't, thanks to Blair and Brown we are all well and truely scr*wed so we will all have to work longer for less, other than that they didn't do a bad job of it, incidentally I'm not a tory supporter either. I asked my counsellor and they couldn't give me an answer either yet 5.5 billion pounds has simply disappeared... oo its like the outer limits


You are the moron fella, tunnel vision effect :)

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Nah, he read about it on the 'net. The devastation the Torys caused is inexcusable. Thatcher should have been tried in court for Crimes against Humanity. Labour do make mistakes, Conservatives are malicious, greedy, machiavellian and try to make everything look like an accident when things go wrong. Ken Livingston is right in saying that Thatcher was clinically insane whilst in office...


Whilst not a tory supporter I do have to disagree with you on this. After the mass strikes in the late 1970's which ground everything to a halt across the country which I remember well the voting public had simply had enough and they and voted in the tory's. They did bring stability and this cannot be denied, they also made some major mistakes too namely the poll tax which comes to mind however the thing that made me proud was the fact that Thatcher stood up to the Argies over the Falklands and that to me at the time and now is unforgettable. Despite no support from the EU and the USA she stuck to her guns and the fact the French were supplying the Argies with weapons (major egg on the faces of the French when they lost that one)! They also brought interest rates down, the RPI amongst other things which allowed people such as myself the luxury of being able to afford a mortgage which under the previous government was a total impossibility due to the insane interest rates.


At the end of the day I wouldn't trust a politician as far as I could spit however I tend to view both good and bad about all parties but then again maybe you could explain what Labour did with the 5.5 billion pound pension pot hence the mess we are currently in with the pension crisis at present?


Answers on a postcard...

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