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Will Labour ever get back in power?

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The Cons place no value on life itself......only their own miserable lives. They would let a man die to save a tenner. Remember their election pledge.........."The NHS will be safe in our hands"........Ha bloody Ha !!!!!


It is not "cool" to be a Tory, its lunacy.........:loopy:




It's the hard of thinking like you that keep Labour in power. You have the intellect of a football supporter. Facts are meaningless to you aren't they? So here's a few more for you to ignore:


The Conservatives rescued the country in 1979 after years of Socialist lunacy left the country broke and in debt. Labour had devalued the pound and gone cap in hand for a bailout from the IMF. Basic rate tax was 33%.


When Labour took over in 1997 the country owed nothing. After 13 years of Labour we owed £600,000,000,000.


Sheffield City Council has debts of £2.1bn racked up by years of Labour mismanagement and the city is still an economic basket case.


The real loons are the ones who think Labour are the solution to any problem. Being Conservative may not be cool but it shows a degree of common sense and intelligence. Of course those are qualities despised by Socialists because anybody with brains isn't going to support Labour.


The people who despise the Tories are those who expect something for nothing.

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Facts are meaningless to you aren't they?


Facts are really important things Jim. I like facts, you know that:)


When Labour took over in 1997 the country owed nothing.



No, that isn't true. It is not a fact. It is an anti-fact if you like.


Unless you call £350Bn, nothing.


There were several other errors in your post, but I've found that keeping things simple and focussed adds clarity to a debate.

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Am I the only one that's not really noticed any difference? I agree with the Tories no one on benefits should claim 26k a year. Labour and I was a supporter generally made changes for the better without thinking of the cost. All I want out of life is a decent life after I retire after paying into the system for nearly 50 years, I think that's reasonable, someone who's contributed should get more back. The system's there to help the unemployed for a short term and the 'disabled', not to fund a lazy non working overbreeding houseold. I want the benefits at a rate I paid into back when I've finished working.

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It's the hard of thinking like you that keep Labour in power. You have the intellect of a football supporter. Facts are meaningless to you aren't they? So here's a few more for you to ignore:


The Conservatives rescued the country in 1979 after years of Socialist lunacy left the country broke and in debt. Labour had devalued the pound and gone cap in hand for a bailout from the IMF. Basic rate tax was 33%.


When Labour took over in 1997 the country owed nothing. After 13 years of Labour we owed £600,000,000,000.


Sheffield City Council has debts of £2.1bn racked up by years of Labour mismanagement and the city is still an economic basket case.


The real loons are the ones who think Labour are the solution to any problem. Being Conservative may not be cool but it shows a degree of common sense and intelligence. Of course those are qualities despised by Socialists because anybody with brains isn't going to support Labour.


The people who despise the Tories are those who expect something for nothing.


What claptrap, as usual from yourself. The national debt, until the BANKING CRISIS was less than it had when Labour took over from the useless, inept creep that was John Major. You, not only do you have no commonsense or intelligence, it seems, have no memory either!:hihi:

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It's the hard of thinking like you that keep Labour in power. You have the intellect of a football supporter. Facts are meaningless to you aren't they? So here's a few more for you to ignore:


The Conservatives rescued the country in 1979 after years of Socialist lunacy left the country broke and in debt. Labour had devalued the pound and gone cap in hand for a bailout from the IMF. Basic rate tax was 33%.


When Labour took over in 1997 the country owed nothing. After 13 years of Labour we owed £600,000,000,000.


Sheffield City Council has debts of £2.1bn racked up by years of Labour mismanagement and the city is still an economic basket case.


The real loons are the ones who think Labour are the solution to any problem. Being Conservative may not be cool but it shows a degree of common sense and intelligence. Of course those are qualities despised by Socialists because anybody with brains isn't going to support Labour.


The people who despise the Tories are those who expect something for nothing.


Hard of thinking eh ?? Only time will tell. How many Tory MP's do we have in Sheffield ??? Is all Sheffield wrong but you are right ?? How many seats do the Tory's have in Scotland ?? Zilch !!! I dont expect anything for nothing, but I do know that under the Torys I will get nothing. I am a campaigner on issues affecting cancer patients [having got the T shirt] and have had correspondence with MP's and Ministers from Labour and Conservative. You never get a straight answer or a pledge of support out of a Tory. Macmillan co-ordinate the various campaigns and we have had victorys, notably in the House of Lords. The evil Torys even want to scrap the Equality act which gives the disabled and Cancer patients a bit of protection, enabling them TO WORK and maintain their dignity and self esteem. Stop reading the SUN and THE MAIL and do a bit of research. Its tin pot 2 bob millionaires like you, pretending you are above being a socialist that the Torys feed on. If we had a competant Labour leadership instead of that muppet Milliband, the Torys would be in deep s**t. I work myself, but only part time. i am not strong enough to work full time so I top up my income with pensions which I have had to draw early. I take the 'those who expect something for nothing' tag as an insult. I get NOTHING from the state, only a bus pass which every one over 60 gets and a Blue Badge for disabled parking....................... Go and get yourself an education, stop being the typical uncaring Tory moron and you may begin to understand why many people have no time for the Torys. I could go on for ever over issues concerning cancer patients which the Torys have had to 'U turn ' on but you wouldn't understand anyway. I think your prognosis is 'terminally stupid'. Very sad indeed........

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What claptrap, as usual from yourself. The national debt, until the BANKING CRISIS was less than it had when Labour took over from the useless, inept creep that was John Major. You, not only do you have no commonsense or intelligence, it seems, have no memory either!:hihi:


Nice one mate, this forum is full of little Hitlers and 2 bob millionaires who like to be Torys. Their memory is somewhat 'selective'..........only remembering what they choose. I have never voted Tory in my life, I couldn't live with the shame of it. I'd lock all the Tory MP's in a cell, stop all food going in, no water or healthcare, no heating, just plates of POUND NOTES. I'd tell them that seeing as they love money so much they can eat it. :hihi::hihi:

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What claptrap, as usual from yourself. The national debt, until the BANKING CRISIS was less than it had when Labour took over from the useless, inept creep that was John Major. You, not only do you have no commonsense or intelligence, it seems, have no memory either!:hihi:


Nice one mate, this forum is full of little Hitlers and 2 bob millionaires who like to be Torys. Their memory is somewhat 'selective'..........only remembering what they choose. I have never voted Tory in my life, I couldn't live with the shame of it. I'd lock all the Tory MP's in a cell, stop all food going in, no water or healthcare, no heating, just plates of POUND NOTES. I'd tell them that seeing as they love money so much they can eat it. :hihi::hihi:

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What claptrap, as usual from yourself. The national debt, until the BANKING CRISIS was less than it had when Labour took over from the useless, inept creep that was John Major. You, not only do you have no commonsense or intelligence, it seems, have no memory either!:hihi:


Nice one mate, this forum is full of little Hitlers and 2 bob millionaires who like to be Torys. Their memory is somewhat 'selective'..........only remembering what they choose. I have never voted Tory in my life, I couldn't live with the shame of it. I'd lock all the Tory MP's in a cell, stop all food going in, no water or healthcare, no heating, just plates of POUND NOTES. I'd tell them that seeing as they love money so much they can eat it. :hihi::hihi:

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