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What about the abolitionists? Were they any less anti-slavery as they hadn't worked on a plantation? Were the anti-Nazis any less so if they hadn't endured the horrors of the holocaust?


No of course not...but they're issues that affected men and women and it has to be said are a lot more important than a cartoon on a beer pump...


If that's their motive, to help others, then that's fine. Their role is more to campaign for the organizations, they are doing it on behalf of someone else..:D

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I'm not just disagreeing with you on purpose, but I think all women are feminists...Its just how they see it. Ask any women if she thinks she should be treated equally and measures should be made to encourage more women in politics and other male dominated industries then they'd say they were feminists.


They may differ to your idea of feminism...But all women want equality. This is where it all fell apart on the last thread. The active "feminists" are alienating some women because their idea of "feminism" isn't appealing enough. Its too restrictive and the people involved are too rabid with what is, and what isn't. acceptable.


A few years ago I worked somewhere and this bloke was really friendly with a woman. He got the wrong impression and touched her leg. She reported him, he was suspended and was off for about a year and then took early retirement. In effect his career ended because of this. He was wrong. he got the wrong impression, he didn't understand that she wasn't interested in that way. He made a mistake. And paid the price.


I was telling my mother about it. I liked the bloke, he was a good man. I felt sorry for him.


My mother said, "If it had been me I would have slapped him across the face and told him to **** off, and that would have been the end of it."


I can't imagine many feminists agreeing with this approach?


That's the trouble....

I wouldn't agree with slapping anyone unless in self defence and it were a direct assault.


Feminism has alienated many women for a variety of reasons. We get a bad press and there is also this myth that we want to eradicate flirting/banter and wish to deny that the opposite sexes ate attracted to one another, which is ludicrous. However, within this ideology there is still a view that some men need to respect a woman's space and sexual autonomy and learn to recognise the signals. In my experience, far too many men mistake friendliness as some kind of sexual come on. Equally, when I have told male friends how much I like a.n.other male, find him good company, funny, intelligent etc, the usual response has been 'oh, so you fancy him then?' Er, no, I like him. Then follows the confusion as there seems to be some assumption that liking someone and being sexually attracted to them are synonymous. This appears to be one of the major differences between the sexes, which is probably where your colleague went wrong. Personally, unless there were a history of harassment, I would not have reported him, just put him straight and left it at that.


As for all women being feminists, I wish that this were the case, but sadly it isn't.

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No of course not...but they're issues that affected men and women and it has to be said are a lot more important than a cartoon on a beer pump...


If that's their motive, to help others, then that's fine. Their role is more to campaign for the organizations, they are doing it on behalf of someone else..:D


You just had to ruin that with the Top Totty reference.

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You just had to ruin that with the Top Totty reference.


Well, you had me scratching my head a bit there. I'll concede defeat on the men and feminism thing, for a bit anyway, until I think some more about it, or I come up with a plan to back track and weedle my way out of it!! :hihi:



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