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When did alcohol become a luxury?

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Often you hear people on here referring to things like alcohol and tobacco as luxuries.


When did alcohol become a luxury?


A can of beer or bottle of vodka is practically taxation in a bottle. It is not a luxury, it is extortion. Why do people refer to things like this as a luxury?


Sky tv for example. Beamed out to all households, everyone could have it, if they were able to unscramble the signal. It costs a lot, but it shouldn't be viewed as a luxury, with the crap they show on there and the amount of adverts you should be paid to watch it!


For under £10 a week you could sup a bottle of vodka a day (if it weren't taxed). Hardly a luxury.


Baccy, cheaper than chips when you take off the tax. Hardly a luxury.


Even the Victorian poor could afford to be permadrunk and smoke. Why shouldn't people be able to do so today, people keep telling me living standards have improved.

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