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When did alcohol become a luxury?

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..,I think they need to get a grip.


Wasn' there a TV ad about that some years ago?


Sicilian peqasant sitting at a table: "Maria, presa mia Limone?" (I don't speak Italian.) Maria (an industrial-sized lady) picks up a lemon and squeezes it into his glass ...


I've got a juice extractor - much easier. :hihi:

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I reckon you're right. But go back a bit further and gin was the ruin of many families. Hogarth's 'Gin Lane' had quite an effect the first time I saw it, nowadays it looks like a Friday night in the less salubrious parts of town. ;)


I would have thought the gin mare was after the beer 'goodtimes' :huh: Either way, it shows the good/evil in the drink :)


My OH likes a couple of beers or a glass of wine, so we always have alcohol in the house, but we see it as a luxury rather than a necessity. We can remember when we couldn't afford it, in the days when supporting our children and paying a mortgage at silly interest rates took most of our income. If things became tight again, then alcohol would be the first things we'd cut down on.


... unless of course Yorkshire Water lower their standards, then you could be excused for keeping the odd tipple :D

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