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Wrestling Academy for My Daughter ?? Help !!

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My 10 y/o is crazy about WWE wrestling. She knows all the stats etc and she would like nothing more than to be a WWE Diva. We have both had a search about for a local gym that could help. So far no joy. Could any of you fine people help us out with any suggestions ?? :help:

Many Thanks


tell her its never going to happen


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My 10 y/o is crazy about WWE wrestling. She knows all the stats etc and she would like nothing more than to be a WWE Diva. We have both had a search about for a local gym that could help. So far no joy. Could any of you fine people help us out with any suggestions ?? :help:

Many Thanks


I have trained as a wrestler.


It is fun, it is entertaining and the holds are 100% fake.


The injuries however aren't, wrestling is fake in the respect that you're acting, but bodies are not made to be thrown through the air.


By all means when she's old enough to evaluate the risks for herself let her make the decision, until then keep her away from it.

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My 10 y/o is crazy about WWE wrestling. She knows all the stats etc and she would like nothing more than to be a WWE Diva. We have both had a search about for a local gym that could help. So far no joy. Could any of you fine people help us out with any suggestions ?? :help:

Many Thanks


Why not get her to your local Judo or JuJitsu club, where she could learn how to really look after her self and if, when older, she still wants to do WWE style wrestling, she could take all the other competitors apart!

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  • 7 months later...
I have trained as a wrestler.


It is fun, it is entertaining and the holds are 100% fake.


The injuries however aren't, wrestling is fake in the respect that you're acting, but bodies are not made to be thrown through the air.


By all means when she's old enough to evaluate the risks for herself let her make the decision, until then keep her away from it.


sorry but most of the 100% fake moves have been around for 100's of years and have evolved slightly,

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