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Do we kiss, hug or shake hands?

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The other day I had a cringe making experience that still makes me wince to think about it.


I had to deliver a one day training course at work to 20 random people. The day went well and everyone seemed to find it interesting and inforrmative etc etc However we ended the day with the presentation of certificates to every delegate for having complete the course. I should point out at this stage that all the delegates were women, as was my co trainer and I was the only bloke in the room.


So, the presentation was pretty straight foreward, I would call out the delegates name one by one, everyone would clap and I would hand over the certificate. Pretty simple right?


I read out the first name, and the woman walked up to the front looking a bit nervous. Without thinking about it I handed over the certificate and gave her a peck on the cheek. She looked frankly startled and incredibly uncomfortable!


So I now had a horrible dilemma, do i continue with the kissing or resort to the more conservatibe handshake for the remaining 19 delegates. But if i switched to a handshake, it might look weird that i had randomly kissed this first woman?


I ploughed on and kissed 19 further embarrassed and and frankly hostile women! Some of them pointedly strteched out a hand as soon as their name was read out but I panicked and just pulled them in towards me.:loopy:


It was a weird and awkward end to the day and left me wondering when did this simple social greeting become so blooming complicated? A female friend of mine told me that she saw her postman out in a bar the other day (bear in mind this is a man she has spoken to about twice in her life for approx 10 seconds) and he came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek!


Is it really a mindfield or am I worrying about nothing?:help:

wouldnt you rather have been doing a "proper job" . the trouble with this country is that we now have to have a certificate to flush the bog :loopy:. i wonder who pays for your company for these worthless certificates (you dont work for a4e do you ?):hihi:
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wouldnt you rather have been doing a "proper job" . the trouble with this country is that we now have to have a certificate to flush the bog :loopy:. i wonder who pays for your company for these worthless certificates (you dont work for a4e do you ?):hihi:


I love a good 'the trouble with this country' post ha and you managed to insult my work too so that is good going. Thanks friend ;)

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wouldnt you rather have been doing a "proper job" . the trouble with this country is that we now have to have a certificate to flush the bog :loopy:. i wonder who pays for your company for these worthless certificates (you dont work for a4e do you ?):hihi:


You should talk to someone about your issues rather than sharing them on the forum all the time.

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wouldnt you rather have been doing a "proper job" . the trouble with this country is that we now have to have a certificate to flush the bog :loopy:. i wonder who pays for your company for these worthless certificates (you dont work for a4e do you ?):hihi:


What does your employer do about improving skills and knowledge in your workplace? Without knowing what training was being delivered, why denigrate the OP?


Of course the OP has a sense of humour, a real necessity when you're involved with training. Believe it or not, not everyone who is sent on courses, even at their employer's expense, is open to learning. ;)

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Is this for real?! I can honestly say in my professional life, I have never seen or heard of anything like it. As others have said, rule of thumb, a handshake will suffice. I'm not surprised that these women were at the very least embarrassed, as I would have been. Have you had any evaluation forms back in yet?

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Well as a male I see no problem with a peck on a females cheek as a greeting , there is a great difference between the peck and a slobber mind.


I suppose it all comes down to how you were brought up.


As for the "litagus and assault" jobby, Jaysuuuus what has this Country come to.



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Well as a male I see no problem with a peck on a females cheek as a greeting , there is a great difference between the peck and a slobber mind.


I suppose it all comes down to how you were brought up.


As for the "litagus and assault" jobby, Jaysuuuus what has this Country come to.




Not in a professional context though, surely? Do you sign work emails with a 'x'?!

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Not in a professional context though, surely? Do you sign work emails with a 'x'?!


I have to agree. This was a major faux pas and you should have corrected your mistake after the first kiss.


Which is what... <<Insert shoddy tabloid joke about celebrity affairs here>>

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