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Message for medusa


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can medusa get in touch with me please

i have someone who has a GSD & are finding it hard to

cope with him he is always trying to jump their 6 foot

gate / fence he is very hypo active & is proving just to much for them

they have tried calling the police to see if they want him

& they was very interested but didn't have a handler for him

at present

i feel that he would benefit from going on a farm or to a very active

family he is very good with kids & other dogs not sure about cats

his name is Bruce

i did try to message you but it said you wasn't receiving messages

so ive tried this way :|






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He looks like a sweet boy :)


Sorry my PM box is closed to incoming messages. I had to close it because lots of people thought it would be a good idea to use it instead of both the report facility and the Helpdesk. You can reach me on medusa@s-f.co.uk but what you actually need here is to give Bruce's owners the GSDR form to apply for a dog to be assessed.




Please ask them to fill in that online form and someone will contact them within a couple of days to get more information and arrange for a local volunteer to come and do a full assessment of the dog and his needs.


GSDR prefer to rehome from original home to new home where at all possible, which is emotionally the least stressful way for the dog to move, but in situations where the dog really can't stay we do try to arrange for foster homes, or in emergency, kennel space.


I'll close this, since you can contact me outside the forum anyway.

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