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Britain's land is still owned by an aristocratic elite

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To be fair, you needn't get rid of the stately homes to be able to provide housing. There is plenty of land, but if it was a choice between them or housing for the people...


Don't you just think that it is you that wants everyone else to bestow their worldly goods upon yourself so you can have an easy life without making any personal effort?

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Instead of paying people millions of pounds to merely own land, we charge them rent for depriving others of land. This will lead to them giving up the land, unless of course they can use it productively enough to make a profit and pay the rent.


Unused land which is not being used productively can then be rented to the people who need it for housing and business activity, i.e. those whom can use it more productively for the betterment of society as a whole.


The collected rent can then be divided by the number of citizens and each man woman and child paid an equal share.


Some land could be exempt from taxation and held in common, for example parks. Certain activities could be encouraged via tax breaks, such as food production.


Isn't this what Mugabe has done in Zambia? The land used to be owned and farmed successfully by the ruling White elite. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. Along comes Mugabe and nationalises the land then allocates it to his cronies. It is now one of the poorest countries in Africa on account of the masses can't make it work as they don't have the knowledge or ability.

As has been said elsewhere on this thread some people can't even look after a garden and from personal knowledge some can't look after the house that they are allocated so maybe they should have their houses removed from them.

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Mugabe's policies would probably seem quite sensible compared to the bizarre ideas the OP has.


Some land is owned by 'the elite'. In the uk a huge amount of land is owned by the MOD, and a lot by the Church, and a surprising amount by some universities.

Then there are the millions of people who are not elite but own their own bit of land, anything from the plot their cottage sits on to their 5000 acre farm.


They're all landowners. Many of them bought their land, either as freehold with the property they live in or as agricutural/commerical land to make a living. Why should they pay a tax just for owning their bit of land?

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Not at all.


Have you had a thought yet about finding someone who will let you use their unkempt garden to grow veg? As in my earlier post: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8573530&postcount=12


If those who want a garden but haven't got one were matched with the people who have a garden but don't want to cultivate it, it could be a win-win situation! I'm sure the council would be pleased as they would benefit from the improvements on many of their estates.

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