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Britain's land is still owned by an aristocratic elite

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I argue that everyone should be given access to housing and to pay fair rents, ideally the cost of this would be driven down to practically next to nothing over time. There is less than 1000 hours of labour in a house.


I argue that everyone should have access to land to farm if they so wish, however this would be in the framework of LVT and citizens income.


So I could PAY (other citizens of the UK) to farm some land (as I would be depriving others of the ability to farm it), others could do the same.


Which is better than the current system of paying people whom inherited vast swathes of land to 'farm' land, when the definition of 'farming' they use to qualify for vast financial subsidy in the form of CAP payments does not even require these people to produce food.


Everyone does have access to land, they just have to pay for it.

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Nope, I own some land and nobody gives me anything for it.


Some land owners benefit from some grants, but your statement was incorrect.


You said;


Nobody is paid merely for owning land, so that's the first problem, you want to stop something that doesn't happen.


And some people, whom I referred to as 'they', are!

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They aren't paid merely for owning land are they, CAP doesn't provide payment simply because you own land.


110. The current definition of a 'farmer' does not require the SPS recipient to be actively producing food, or other agricultural products. For this reason, the CAP has been accused of merely rewarding people for owning land rather than incentivising behaviour that contributes to food security and the other CAP objectives.



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How far back exactly are you planning to go? Or rather how far forward.

If you inherited land from your parents should that now be forfeit?

Are farmers not able to buy land? I've seen plenty of agricultural land for sale, I can help you out with a link to rightmove if you're struggling.

You singled out this particular family to have land stolen from them, presumably because you don't like the way they gained the land. Once you've bought some land though what's to stop me saying that I don't like the price you paid and stealing it from you?



What I am suggesting is a land reform to remove the right of those who have not paid for their land to earn an income from it. I don't think it right that we have a land owning elite perpetuating the class system based on a grant of land hundreds of years ago before democracy (such as it is) came along.


The mechanics of making it work would need to be ironed out but if I ran the country this is the first thing I would do. Part of the economic inequality in the country comes from having a small number of people being given a large part of the country to profit from it in return for loyalty to the crown. It's absurdly anachronistic.

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