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UK manufacturing grows as exports continue to increase


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Bit rich coming from you. Seeing how you used 1 quarter of zero growth, followed by 0.6 % growth as starting point for an optimistic outlook here.


Also found it funny that thread you telling me services figures are quarters and not single months...


I'm sorry what does this do to effect the definition of a recession? Its pretty clear, recession is 2 quarters negative growth. Until we hit that, we are not in a recession.


I'm not going to defend the government but what I will fight against is those who will mis-represent the facts to make a political point.

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This is not some economic cycle driven "ordinary" recession. It's far worse that that.


We are at the beginning of a Kondratiev winter (assuming that the Kondratiev spring began in 1945).


People like you have been seeing the so-called "green shots" of recovery since 2008.


Those green shoots must be pretty manky and rotted by now.




If they have such control over private surveys, why would we ever hear of anything but positive news?




If Crash Gordon were still in power he'd be "bigging up" this news himself, probably starting his own thread about it.


You can't argue with the ideologically blinkered, they take cognitive dissonance to crazy extremes.



While on paper (see my reply to Mecky below) we came out of recession at the end of 2009, that was a mere abstract game of numbers.


People still kept on losing their jobs, firms kept on closing down.


An interesting factiod. In 1934 the US had 4 successive quaters of positive growth. So on paper, not only was there no Great Depression, but no recession either.


And of course, the positive GDP game is rigged. It takes 2 successive quarters of negative GDP to go into a recession, but only one to come "out" of one.




Two quarters of negative GDP are required for a technical recession.


So far we've only had the one.




Ahh, economists. Not for nothing are they known as the purveyors of the "dismal science".


Would these be the same economists who failed to see the crisis of 2008 looming?You'll forgive me if I don't give too much credence too their utterings.



Howdo Baaaaaarnsley bill, you were claiming the Credit Crunch was ALL Browns fault, because if they (econmists) could see it coming, why couldn't he! So you now accept that they didn't see it at all?


Tell me, did your hero David Icke see it too?

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