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Could you get by on under 2.5 hours of sleep a day?

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I ask this due to the shocking revelation in the Sheffield star;




“Ed did talk a couple of times about issues in his constituency so I don’t think it’s fair to say he had no local knowledge. The helicopter is a big local issue but there’s only so much someone who is working a 150-hour week can know about issues within an area. At least he did not try to fudge an answer.


There is only 168 hours in a week.


And if Ed is working 150 hours a week, that means he must be working nearly 21 and a half hours a day, leaving him 2.5 hours to travel, sleep, eat and spend time with his family amongst other leisure activities.


Personally I could not do that.


I think Ed would be better off working a 24 hour week. 150 hours a week must take its toll!

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I went through severe sleep deprivation when my children were in the newborn phase (dogs and babies sleep 20 hours a day? Mine sure didn't!) and my son was a toddler who did everything except sleep. Wake up mommy! Wake UP! It's morning time!! :help::hihi:


I could probably manage it for a day or two, then I'd either fall asleep driving or hallucinate and kill someone.

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