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Would you risk your child's life by having a dog?

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We've established that. What you haven't done is provide any backing for your implication that, given that everything has a risk attached, you might as well take unnecessary risks.


Not that you do, I note. Your "trusted" dog is never left alone with children, which is very responsible of you, but doesn't suggest you trust it much!


I do trust Molly. I don't trust my nephew not to try to shove a Lego brick up her nose or not to stand on her paw while trying to catch his remote control helicopter though. We could end up with a situation where she could hurt him just by trying to get out of his way, no ill will at all from her, and that's just not on.


Molly is a kitten rearing German Shepherd by the way. She has looked after well over 100 kittens from 4-12 weeks in the last 4 years and has never harmed any of them. When one climbs her face she comes to me, whimpering and yelping, to have the claws picked out of her nose pad and eyes when I know that one nip could cut the kitten in half. She doesn't hurt them because she doesn't want to.


As I said earlier, you choose which risks you want to take in your life (and that of your child) and I'll choose for my life. In my opinion Molly has been fabulous for my mental health, great socially for meeting people and for keeping me as fit as I can be (both walks and all the extra vacuuming I do!) but you run your life so you take that choice yourself.


After all, some people still choose to take the risk of smoking, which I consider to be a ridiculous risk to run in your own life, but that doesn't stop them, does it?

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i have 2 toddlers and 3 dogs, 2 of which were here a long time before the kids one after.


i did used to say one i wouldnt leave alone with the kids as i didnt trust him, that changed the other week tho he broke into the kids room in the middle of the night to get into bed with them. i wouldnt allow him to go in and be left alone but in this case he showed me he can be trusted. i wouldnt leave him alone with my friend children tho but with mine he has been taught if they become 2 much to jump over the baby gates as the kids cant follow

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