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Homeless in America

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Even BBc America is showing it. There's some Reverend preaching up a storm!


Tragic and sad as her death is how hypocritical the music world is. I've been listening to no end of reactions about "How shocking it is"

It's not shocking or even surprising. The woman had been on a course of self destruction for years and in recent years got hardly a mention in the music industry or the media.

There have been other inane comments such as "They should have stopped her drinking all that booze" (at the Beverly Hills Hilton not long before she died).


Whose going to stop her? You dont stop celebritiies doing what they want to do. They're little gods in their own right. If I had been acting drunk in the Beverly Hilton I would have been chucked out on my ear but not people like Whitney.

Any bartender or server employed at the Hilton would have had a royal chewing out from management had they had the gall to refuse her a drink and she had complained. We all know that


She had a great voice and sang some great songs. I hope that she's finally at peace but the hype is way overdone.


I'm sure she'll be in peace now being in druggie heaven along with all he pals.

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I'm sure she'll be in peace now being in druggie heaven along with all he pals.


I have to feel sorry for her daughter. I wonder what kind of environment she grew up in? She was overweight when she was a kid sometimes a sign that overeating is a disorder of kids living in dysfunctional families.


Too bad Whitney couldn't get her act together even if only for her daughter's sake. She owed her that much at least.


The Los Angeles Times reported that Whitney had spent something around 7 million dollars on drugs........blows the mind don't it? :o

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Even BBc America is showing it. There's some Reverend preaching up a storm!


Tragic and sad as her death is how hypocritical the music world is. I've been listening to no end of reactions about "How shocking it is"

It's not shocking or even surprising. The woman had been on a course of self destruction for years and in recent years got hardly a mention in the music industry or the media.

There have been other inane comments such as "They should have stopped her drinking all that booze" (at the Beverly Hills Hilton not long before she died).


Whose going to stop her? You dont stop celebritiies doing what they want to do. They're little gods in their own right. If I had been acting drunk in the Beverly Hilton I would have been chucked out on my ear but not people like Whitney.

Any bartender or server employed at the Hilton would have had a royal chewing out from management had they had the gall to refuse her a drink and she had complained. We all know that


She had a great voice and sang some great songs. I hope that she's finally at peace but the hype is way overdone.


Celebrities get away with murder. Some of them literally. Look at OJ. They surround themselves with people who agree with them and do their bidding. They live a life few people can relate to.


As sad as this is, I have a feeling the real trouble only started when she was unable to sing. With rare exceptions, most of the managers, agents, etc. only truly care when the celebrity is unable to act or sing or whatever. Look at Marilyn Monroe. The studio (of course, the studio system is long gone) only sat up and took notice when she was too sick or depressed or drugged up to come to work. Then they cared.


I read an autobiography of Ann-Margaret and she said the same thing. They didn't care what went on in her personal life, only getting involved when it affected her ability to perform.


Ultimately, they're responsible for themselves, just like the rest of us.

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It does possibly reiterate the benevolence of the USA to the rest of the world. The USA is by far the biggest giver of foreign aid in the world, whilst some of her own citizens live in poverty. Perhaps they should reduce their foreign aid budget, and help their own when it's needed.

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Celebrities get away with murder. Some of them literally. Look at OJ. They surround themselves with people who agree with them and do their bidding. They live a life few people can relate to.


As sad as this is, I have a feeling the real trouble only started when she was unable to sing. With rare exceptions, most of the managers, agents, etc. only truly care when the celebrity is unable to act or sing or whatever. Look at Marilyn Monroe. The studio (of course, the studio system is long gone) only sat up and took notice when she was too sick or depressed or drugged up to come to work. Then they cared.


I read an autobiography of Ann-Margaret and she said the same thing. They didn't care what went on in her personal life, only getting involved when it affected her ability to perform.


Ultimately, they're responsible for themselves, just like the rest of us.


The pressures are always there. People pay a lot of money to see a cellebrity in performance and they expect nothing but the best. In Vegas they generally do two shows a day. It must drain em out quite often. Many of them never get over stage fright either. They need pills to pep em up and pills to help em sleep afterwards. It's a deadly way to have to earn a living sometimes.

What price fame and fortune? Most of them never seem to be happy with it

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It does possibly reiterate the benevolence of the USA to the rest of the world. The USA is by far the biggest giver of foreign aid in the world, whilst some of her own citizens live in poverty. Perhaps they should reduce their foreign aid budget, and help their own when it's needed.


Don't worry scuba you've got your own share of homless over there too, you don't have to look far to find them either:). most the benifits in England go to people that don't need it, the homless can go without.

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The pressures are always there. People pay a lot of money to see a cellebrity in performance and they expect nothing but the best. In Vegas they generally do two shows a day. It must drain em out quite often. Many of them never get over stage fright either. They need pills to pep em up and pills to help em sleep afterwards. It's a deadly way to have to earn a living sometimes.

What price fame and fortune? Most of them never seem to be happy with it


Fame and fortune can indeed seem a faustian bargain sometimes. They give up a lot to get where they are. I feel especially bad for child stars who often don't choose that direction. They don't get to have a normal life and then they can't function as adults. And their money is usually gone, too.


I once watched a documentary about Judy Garland where she got into a screaming argument with her manager. He'd added a bunch of extra shows to her tour and she just wanted to go home and relax. She told him to cancel the extra shows. He said he couldn't as he'd already taken the money. She told him to just go ahead and give everyone BACK their money. Of course she ended up doing the extra shows, poor woman. No wonder she had a problem with pills.


lives not far from me (he's poor now. Well, poor for him) and he's said more than once that he performed way longer than he wanted to because he had so many people depending on him for their paychecks and he couldn't let them down. I have a soft spot for MC Hammer because he's a NorCal boy and because he really came from nothing.


There were even some nasty repo men selling their stories to local media about going to MC Hammer's house to repossess boats and cars and getting into a fight with his wife. :(

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Fame and fortune can indeed seem a faustian bargain sometimes. They give up a lot to get where they are. I feel especially bad for child stars who often don't choose that direction. They don't get to have a normal life and then they can't function as adults. And their money is usually gone, too.


I once watched a documentary about Judy Garland where she got into a screaming argument with her manager. He'd added a bunch of extra shows to her tour and she just wanted to go home and relax. She told him to cancel the extra shows. He said he couldn't as he'd already taken the money. She told him to just go ahead and give everyone BACK their money. Of course she ended up doing the extra shows, poor woman. No wonder she had a problem with pills.


lives not far from me (he's poor now. Well, poor for him) and he's said more than once that he performed way longer than he wanted to because he had so many people depending on him for their paychecks and he couldn't let them down. I have a soft spot for MC Hammer because he's a NorCal boy and because he really came from nothing.


There were even some nasty repo men selling their stories to local media about going to MC Hammer's house to repossess boats and cars and getting into a fight with his wife. :(


This is exactly why I have deprived the world of my incredibly good looks and abundant talents.

I always knew I could never handle that kind of life :D

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It does possibly reiterate the benevolence of the USA to the rest of the world. The USA is by far the biggest giver of foreign aid in the world, whilst some of her own citizens live in poverty. Perhaps they should reduce their foreign aid budget, and help their own when it's needed.


Back in the 1960s President Lyndon Johnson introduced the Great Society program. Medicare also came into being at that time. There's only so much you can do in the end and only so much money you can throw at it


When people refuse to attach much importance to education and by their own irresponsibilty ie bearing kids out of wedlock and getting their kicks out of smoking cheap crack then there's no help that would do any good.

If they qualify for governmeny housing, food stamps and unemployent benefits they can count themselves lucky and be happy with it. No one owes them a life on a golden cushion


The succesful African-American actor and comedian Bill Cosby once tried to poiint out to his his fellow blacks the importance of staying in school, graduating, avoiding drugs and pursuing realistic and achievable goals in life but was condemned by Jesse Jackson. Accordrng to Jackson and his fellow traveler Al Sharpton, still stuck back in the 30s and 40s, all the ills visited upon the black community are Whiteys fault


There are many, many black Americans as well as other groups who were born at a disadvantage but made succesful lives for themselves. It's just a question of getting up off the old butt and making the effort


Not everyone that can be a basketball player, a singer or a move star or lucky enough to win the lottery

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Holy hell. I thought the pope had died. I liked Whitney Houston and all, but come on. Actually, I used to love the TV show she had with her husband. She was hilariously funny at times, and the scenes of her with her daughter were very sweet.
We lost Whitney, and found Adele,like a fresh breath of Spring.
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