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Online Dating Scams

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On Valentine's Day.


I know popular thinking is these ladies are just desperate and stupid.

Why do they fall for it over and over? How many lights must start flashing in their heads when they get asked for money or bank details yet they ignore all the warnings and carry on!


Is this the modern equivalent of the 'I thought I would be the one to make him change his ways' type?


Is it because we are supposed to be equal and, being swept of our feet is no longer relevant, the ladies that get sucked in are of a certain age and just don't realise that equal doesn't mean giving money?


Is it just old fashioned romance and the ladies fill in the blanks with wishful thinking and sweep themselves off their feet?


When I read stories like this I automatically think pfft! They could try and get money from me hmmph! tut! etc! Am I deluding myself when we think that, did these ladies think that about themselves too then realise they had been taken in?

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Seriously if youre stupid enough to 'loan' money to someone youve never really met, then you deserve all that happens to you. Also, if someone told me they had unpaid tax debts and were unable to leave the country, I would run, far, far away. I mean Nigeria alone is a HUGE a red flag.


I've been dating via the net since 1995 and never had that happen to me. Common sense is required.

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Seriously if youre stupid enough to 'loan' money to someone youve never really met, then you deserve all that happens to you. Also, if someone told me they had unpaid tax debts and were unable to leave the country, I would run, far, far away. I mean Nigeria alone is a HUGE a red flag.


I've been dating via the net since 1995 and never had that happen to me. Common sense is required.


I agree it feels like common sense should kick in well before any money changes hands!


I have met friends and had a couple of dates with people I met online my partner and I met playing xbox online and I would recommend it to anyone I just can't work out why these ladies are so easily taken in.


These scammers aren't sophisticated con men they are chancers who appear to know what line to spin us to make us drop all our common sense when we turn on the PC.


I feel for these ladies they weren't out trying to rip anyone off or trying to do anything bad they made stupid, silly, bizarre decisions (40k :o) and they are paying heavily for it yet some appear to be normal, intelligent women who wouldn't fall for it.

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I agree it feels like common sense should kick in well before any money changes hands!


I have met friends and had a couple of dates with people I met online my partner and I met playing xbox online and I would recommend it to anyone I just can't work out why these ladies are so easily taken in.


These scammers aren't sophisticated con men they are chancers who appear to know what line to spin us to make us drop all our common sense when we turn on the PC.


I feel for these ladies they weren't out trying to rip anyone off or trying to do anything bad they made stupid, silly, bizarre decisions (40k :o) and they are paying heavily for it yet some appear to be normal, intelligent women who wouldn't fall for it.


Exactly you also need to read between the lines.... Listen closely to what theyre NOT saying... Really pressure why they are looking to date people from the UK but not actually in the UK themselves.. (If someone is working abroad for business long term, they would more than likely want to be dating locally and not long term)


Demand immediate photos (web cam chats) and a non-mobile contact number.. Ask who their employer is, research a bit (a quick search is normal)


I think some people are so desperate for love, that they are willing to believe anything anyone tells them...

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Most scammers are nigerian the best thing to do is a reverse scam where you say "im a rich american i will lend you the money but i need £1000 to transfer it to Nigeria because of tax or some crap they will soon send you the £1000 it they think there getting £40,000 act like you are really stupid let them think that they are doing the scamming :D

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