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Healthcare is this what Cameron wants?

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Cameron couldn't give a stuff if he gets re-elected. What Cameron wants is the re-introduction of the awarding of heriditary peerages to outgoing PMs.


I suppose you can back this claim up with hard facts, rather than us taking face value what you believe in your head? It will make your posts more credible.

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Cameron couldn't give a stuff if he gets re-elected. What Cameron wants is the re-introduction of the awarding of heriditary peerages to outgoing PMs. Read previous issues of Private Eye to understand what really makes that bumbling baffoon Cameron really tick along.




I subscribe to Private Eye as it's the best investigative journal you can get. I must confess I am more interested in their expose of Marxist firebrand and man of the people Blunkett's finances.

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You can add to your list premises, GP practices, dental practices, security, bank staff, commissioned bed spaces in independent hospitals, ISTCs......lots and lots of private sector exists in the NHS. However, the truth remains that currently, no matter how complex or high risk a patient presents as, they will receive treatment unless there are sound clinical reasons not to do so (as long as that treatment is currently funded by their PCT). So why does the new bill have no geographical obligation written into it? I can't imagine that was an oversight. It is planned, deliberate measure, with horrendous implications


Furthermore, why the emphasis on "streamlining bureaucracy" when the new structure puts into place additional levels of bureaucracy, not to mention what will be England's biggest ever quango? I don't see the streamlining there.




I don't believe there is any intention to stop the NHS treating whoever presents no matter what they presnt with. But, I do get a bit tired of the "privatisation of the NHS" rhetoric when a big chunk of the NHS budget, as all public sector organisations, go into the private sector. The loons are getting their knickers all twisted up about privatisation.


At the end of the day if the reforms mean patients still get treated and the NHS costs less it's job done for the government. Obviously the vested interests and loony lefties will squeal and squawk uncontrollably.


Isn't part of the idea of the reform to get rid of the postcode lotteries whereby some PCTs fund some treatments and others don't despite NICE recommendations?

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The loons are getting their knickers all twisted up about privatisation.



I've read this whole thread from start to finish and must say that I would have much more respect for your arguments if you would refrain from the name calling, you right wing facist you! :-)

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I've read this whole thread from start to finish and must say that I would have much more respect for your arguments if you would refrain from the name calling, you right wing facist you! :-)


In my dictionary a loon is a crazy person. As far as I'm concerned anyone who thinks there's no private companies profiting from the NHS or any other government department already is err................crazy.

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In my dictionary a loon is a crazy person. As far as I'm concerned anyone who thinks there's no private companies profiting from the NHS or any other government department already is err................crazy.


Regardless of what you think, it's a derogetory term and you know it. You stand out as the only one in the thread who stooped and ergo lost respect for the validity of your arguments because it simply makes you seem bitter.

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I suppose you can back this claim up with hard facts, rather than us taking face value what you believe in your head? It will make your posts more credible.


Yeah, until the 1950s it was customary for outgoing PMs to be awarded an hereditary peerage. A dukedom or earldom or suchlike. Read on a couple of occasions in Private Eye over the past couple of years that Cameron is very interested in reviving that custom. If you don't believe it up to you.

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I subscribe to Private Eye as it's the best investigative journal you can get. I must confess I am more interested in their expose of Marxist firebrand and man of the people Blunkett's finances.


Very interesting isn't it. Some good dirt in there on Tony Blair recently. All kinds of interesting stuff in there, like former loony lefty Margaret Hodge (maiden name Oppenheimer) being an heiress to the world's biggest steel trading company which is owned by her family. :)

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Ok, to clarify opposition parties view, Cameron is going to privatise the Nhs. For a peerage.


Cameron, not the Tories are privatising the Nhs, with the full support of the lib dems , whose leader is in a constiuency knee deep with the medical profession, and Tory mps who have marginal seats to win/lose. Cameron, whose family has been helped immensly by the Nhs. Cameron who is mega minted anyway is choosing now to privatise the Nhs. Not reform or just run better, privatise.


Is that what the opposition is basically saying ?

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Just watching Panorama from last night about healthcare, I hope Cameron watched it because it was disgusting. Fifty million Americans are living without health insurance, a man who had a hernia for 10 years queued with hundreds of others to see a doctor at a free consultation he was told that he needed to go to the emergency room, but he only earned $5000 a year. His wife talked him into going he was told it would be $20,000 dollars for the surgery, needless to say he has not had it done. Is this how you want the people of this country to end up Mr Cameron?


There's plenty of free health care offered in the US, unemployed/poor people get everthing free, there's free walk-in Clinics in every State, ther's also Veterans hospitals, free for inpatients & outpatients , i would guess that 75% of the men in the US are veterans from one war or another, there's medicare and then medicaid that gives coverage too, it's been explained many times on the forum but people still don't "get it" :huh: or don't want to :hihi:

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