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Dear Forum.. How can I help a friend who seems to be mentally ill?

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I am wondering what to do if I think that someone I know is suffering from mental illness. I don't want to go into too much detail but I'm worried that they have genuinely lost it. I have tried to speak to them about it but they refuse to admit that they have a problem, saying that literally everyone else is as fault. So I just want to know, should I report them to someone? How do I do this? I don't want them becoming a nuisance or a danger.

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For one have you tried seeing what's causing their problem.

Have you been there for them!!


Thinks its wrong ur diagnosing someone based on what you think.

Just cos someone is blaming someone else for how they are does not mean they have issues that need others intervening.


Maybe they know they have a problem they may have depression but don't want to disscuss it

Maybe u should think before , you take this any further .

Because it may make the persona problems worse.


I hope this is not a friend because if some friend I knew did that to me I wouldn't be happy. I would think of consequences of your actions from every angle, nothing worse then regretting it Later. Xxx

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I am wondering what to do if I think that someone I know is suffering from mental illness. I don't want to go into too much detail but I'm worried that they have genuinely lost it. I have tried to speak to them about it but they refuse to admit that they have a problem, saying that literally everyone else is as fault. So I just want to know, should I report them to someone? How do I do this? I don't want them becoming a nuisance or a danger.


Unfortunately there is nothing you can do, but to be there for them, and encourage them to talk about how they feel.

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There comes a point where you have to speak to a doctor about your concerns for the health of another person; the link above might suffice to do that.


Whether your situation has justifiably reached that point, only you can know. Nobody else on the forum knows if you are a reliable judge or a person likely to cry wolf.

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It depends upon what your friend has.


Say your friend has borderline personality disorder (Princess Diana had this) a common approach is to threaten to leave the friendship if she won't seek help or you could offer to reward her if she goes to see a therapist.


Dialectical therapy (an off-shoot of cognitive therapy) is the number one for treating borderlines. Taking omega-3 soothes the effects of borderline. Fish oil and ground flaxseed is high in omega-3.


Don't be surprised if your friend starts gaslighting and says that you are the one who needs help.

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I agree with all the above replies think you have some useful advice but.....


I have been in this situation me being the person with the problem.

I had post traumatic stress disorder, and my "friends" all noticed changes in my moods ect.

They where happy to tell me my problems, but not support me through them.


I was really low and to top it off I have motor neurons.

I went from being active and on my feet to being wheelchair dependant.

I so needed the support of my friends, I mailed them, rang them, text them and non of them replied. (I don't have family due to abuse issues and me not seeing them.)


When I asked why one of them said she had family issues. I can get that I really can but that does not excuse the rest of our friends. Well they all followed suit with the girl, I can always say that no matter what I was always there for my friends.


No matter what troubles I had to get over, I used to care full time for my sister who had mental health issues.

As well as managing my motor neurons, and three kids.

I would still help out friends and be there,I would fit everyone in and help where I could.


When the tables turned I was not obviously worth as much as they where to me.

And they deserted me, I was scared and alone and all I needed was someone to come tell me it was going to be ok.

And just support me through this, but anyway because of all this.


I am no longer friends with them people, one of them I had a friendship with for 18 yr or more.


I helped her when she was in a violent relationship, with kids. We would change her locks for her when she kicked her then partner out.

I would sit and talk and listen to her, as she would moan on that her dad favoured her two step sisters.

We ran her milk powder for baby at 2am, cos she ran out and the boyfriend would not go get any.


We lent her money, fed her and her kids and helped her stand on her own two with her kids.

When she felt her mother had taken over with her son.

She was always so wrapped up in her self, she never noticed I was not my self


It's a shame we had to fall out and first it was so hard for me to get past.

To be honest a lot of people told me it was a bad friendship.

And it was now I see that, but at the time I felt my whole world crumble.

I locked myself away from the world and stopped going out and having fun.

I lost any trust or faith I had in people, and I was scared of what the future held.


I had a few attempts where I took my own life, because I couldn't cope.

I can't help but think it all could of been avoided.

Had the people I loved and trusted had been there for me,and not deserted me.

I didn't appreciate the way people let me down, but in a way I have to thank them to.


In a way they made my little family (hubby and kids) stronger, and closer. Getting through this as a family was hard. We did it and I know I have no one now to thank but my hubby and kids.


And a few off people in my life, I now have a new group of friends.

I am part time modelling, and working with disabled kids at a place in town called the circle.


I am happy and picked myself up, but the best thing is I found out who my true friends where. And the friends I have now I feel blessed to have.

Have patients with your friend and sit and talk about you getting them further help.

Support them and just be there to listen when they need someone.


After all that is what friends are for :)

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