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Great Britain 2012

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Of course its not but i doubt very much the whole of the community knew.

Unless of course they all know because they all do it.

Is that what your saying?


From the facts presented it does seem that a lot of this tight nit religious community did know about it and use it to their own benefit.

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Ive read the link but i dont see it like that, could you link me to where it says the community knew?

Thanks :)


Look at it like this...


The allegation that she was used to clean the cars of friends and family should send out signals that this is certainly not a one off as it seems to be a accepted routine


Here as quoted from the court report by the BBC.


The girl was made to cook, clean, do washing and ironing and clean the houses and cars of family and friends of the Ashar's, the court heard.



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Im sorry I didn't realise you started this thread .. oh hang on you didn't ... well in that case I didn't realise you where a mod .. oh hang on you aren't.


So, with that in mind, I stand by what I said, some cultures are backward looking and incompatible to our own. If you want to live here, become part of our culture and integrate, then you will benefit form everything our society has to offer. It is not for us to change, it is for our guests to adapt and join us.


I didn't claim to be the OP, or a mod. I just expressed an opinion, as that is the modus operandi of a forum. You seem to think it's just for you to express your opinions, but I think that would make it dull for all of us, if there was no debate.


Do you think certain cultures embrace child abuse as a matter of course, then? Would you make the same sweeping statements about, for example, Austrian culture, given that children have been kept in cellars there?

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I wonder how many more young girls are in the same situation, a fine example of closing ranks for the last ten years



Talking of vulnerable young girls - and therefore I am on topic and much closer to home - the OP failed to mention this South Yorkshire police firearms officer who raped an 8 years old girl. I sincerely hope the OP's oversight had nothing to do with race and religion;



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Talking of vulnerable young girls - and therefore I am on topic and much closer to home - the OP failed to mention this South Yorkshire police firearms officer who raped an 8 years old girl. I sincerely hope the OP's oversight had nothing to do with race and religion;




2 things inmates dont like, Fiddlers and pork.

That scummers both:gag:.,

Ah well, Karmas gonna get ya in the end!!

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Talking of vulnerable young girls - and therefore I am on topic and much closer to home - the OP failed to mention this South Yorkshire police firearms officer who raped an 8 years old girl. I sincerely hope the OP's oversight had nothing to do with race and religion;



Obviously you noticed the story so do what I did start a thread,I know those things happen and the Policemans actions were doubly disgusting because he was in a position of trust alas I cant be expected to start every thread on here I simply dont have the time.If you feel that you must point out that the thread may have been started on Race grounds it shows your mindset must be such that you feel its ok for people from a different ethnicity to enslave and rape a young vulnerable girl or at least dont mention it in dispatches,so to speak. So tell me do we adhere to your version of the rules on here ,any negative story concerning people who may have a different ethnicity to Glamrocker must be avoided ?..William Wilberforce, as far as I understand, helped to abolish slavery for all in this country,I dont think he exempted other races in aforesaid abolition.

The thread was started to highlight the disgusting way the girl was treated by this family and as stated outsiders,now I dont know about you but if someone said to me bring your car to my house and I have just the person to wash it and tell all our other friends to do the same I would be wondering whats going on here,especially if it happened on numerous occasions.

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