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Great Britain 2012

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Have you started a topic about this, I think that its disgusting and worse still by being done from someone of the law sworn to protect the innocent/law. :mad:


The reason I haven't started a topic about it is because it would be a bit pointless. The bloke's been sent down. People could condemn him - quite rightly - but it wouldn't be anything other than a load of abuse towards a sicko.

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In other words you can't admit you're only interested in criminals or alleged criminals who are Muslim.

got it in one


theres been a fair few stories in the news about fathers keeping their daughters prisoner, raping them, having kids by them, treating them as wives / slaves


but they dont count as they werent muslim perpetrators


funny thing is theres always an anti muslim bent to these threads by the same people, but what gets me...if the perpetrators are muslim AND the victim is muslim which side do you take? particulrly if your anti muslim? :huh::suspect::confused::help:

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In other words you've started a post about a crime you think white people don't commit. How convenient. But what's this? The BNP losing an employment tribunal against a woman who claims she was held against her will by BNP members.



and it seems no complaint has been made to the Police for alleged claim..and your point is ?

Maybe if it had not been what seems a comedic clutching at straws that the site has jumped on and been published in the general media we would all have heard about ,but like the BNP and the Edl diatribe on their websites,have the EDL got a website ?, the website you have chosen to link is not what you would call unbiased,I tend not to use them for that reason and to be honest your comparison to the alleged offences in the OP which if true spans 10 years is very infantile and demeaning to the girl concerned ,im sorry but if you have to publish bilge like that simply to score a point against me then you must be very desperate.

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got it in one


theres been a fair few stories in the news about fathers keeping their daughters prisoner, raping them, having kids by them, treating them as wives / slaves


but they dont count as they werent muslim perpetrators


funny thing is theres always an anti muslim bent to these threads by the same people, but what gets me...if the perpetrators are muslim AND the victim is muslim which side do you take? particulrly if your anti muslim? :huh::suspect::confused::help:

Have you a insight into this case as well Mel or have you further information on the accused's religion ?

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Some cultures haven't evolved as much as others. This goes on all over the world. When people live here they need to appreciate that we are a civilized nation and this sort of thing is not on.


If the family had visitors, friends and colleagues, not to mention other family members, they must have known. So it is not a case of only the accused being involved.

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There are more cases than you think...



And we will not know about many many more...


"A pensioner has been convicted of trafficking and exploiting an African woman she used as a slave."


If we are going to mention that the victim is African in the opening sentence, why are failing to mention that the perpetrator is Asian? In fact nowhere in duration article is it stated that this woman is an Asian Muslim, rather than simply a 'pensioner'. Instead her native language of Urdu is mentioned.


"Khan arranged a domestic service visa and promised to pay her 120,000 shillings (£21) a month into her Tanzanian bank account and £10 a month pocket money in London".


That might be considered resonable pay in Tanzania but in Britain (where the employment would take place and a country which the perpetrator was obviously familiar with), this alone is exploitation of the highest level.



Det Insp Kevin Hyland:

the Metropolitan Police were currently investigating another 15 cases of trafficking for forced labour involving individuals from Saudi Arabia, India, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam


So, not that rare and judging by the majority of countries involved in this and the other cases, likely to involve perpetrators of Asian or Arabic Muslim origin.


Det Insp Kevin Hyland:

In some of these cases their culture is a class system and people can be treated as a commodity. They have such disregard for these people that they don't think they are doing anything wrong. They think they are worth less than an animal.


But WHICH people can be "treated as a commodity"?


They don't think they are "doing anything wrong"! Really? That statement beggars belief. A five-year-old knows that treating someone badly is wrong. What he really means is that their culture or religion ALLOWS it! If someone believed they were doing nothing wrong it would be very odd to take the passport of the person in question, to prevent her from learning English and to make death threats if she were to speak out about her plight.


The penalty for this slavery:

A nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £25,000 in compensation, with ther conviction was later quashed on retrial!

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