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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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So the OP asks a perfectly legitimate question and not a single politician or any other credible candidate has been suggested for President.


Why are you OBSESSED with a President? Why do you want someone other than the duly elected Prime Minister to attend meetings and shake hands and debate issues and sign treaties?


What is wrong with people that they are desperate for some sort of "leader" or "head of state"?

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Don't you think the PM has enough to do? who would he delegate Royal duties to? We would need another representative in his place if he was dashing about from one place to another,he's looking stressed enough as it is.


Why do YOU think it is important to have someone shaking hands, traveling around, waving, smiling and doing, as you put it "Royal Duties"? The USA doesn't have someone doing that, neither does Germany...why do think we must have a titular head of state dressing up in finery and wearing a crown and hosting parties for other Royals?

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Why do YOU think it is important to have someone shaking hands, traveling around, waving, smiling and doing, as you put it "Royal Duties"? The USA doesn't have someone doing that, neither does Germany...why do think we must have a titular head of state dressing up in finery and wearing a crown and hosting parties for other Royals?


I realise as a republican it must have been very frustrating for you these last few days hearing about how well the jubilee events turned out,and i do sympathise, even i admit the Country seemed to become saturated with media coverage.I turned the radio on this morning and what do you think they were discussing?..the Queens hats and other outfits worn by other Royals on the different occasions of the last few days. I ask you! even i draw the line at that kind of information. Only some people are really interested in those kind of details and anything to do with Royalty.Do you think you will ever come to terms with that? It does appear the Monarchy is here to stay for quite a while yet.

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I agree. Winston Churchill once said this, in Parliament:

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried."


In the same way, Monarchy is the worst form of supreme (Head of State) office except for all those others that have been tried!

Hah. someone else has written to The Times [letter published today] with my quotation and conclusion.

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