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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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The phrase it is perfectly correct :mad: and simply means that it is not necessary to use 'posh' words in order to prove that you are erudite, which our Geoff so obviously is :) With someone such as Boycott we would stand much more of a chance of ensuring that the farce of 'Royal Blood' and all the 'by the grace of God' twaddle that we are subjected to are consigned to history forever along with Lizzie's family who are for the most part unpleasant, useless freeloaders (this my goodbye wave) :wave:


Hi Janie (this is my hi, please don't hate me wave) :wave:


Hi rainbow :rant::rant::rant::wave:

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People would complain either way, it's what we Brits do.


Thank God there were no Terrorist attacks on London while HRH the Queen was out there.


I support the Royals, I always have done.. Although I did think Diana was better looking than Camilla Parker-whatsit.

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The way things are going, we have an option.

It is either the country, or the monarchy.

Which do we choose?


Well I'd choose the country obviously, only a complete cretin would choose monarchy over country, or am I missing your point?

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Why do YOU think it is important to have someone shaking hands, traveling around, waving, smiling and doing, as you put it "Royal Duties"? The USA doesn't have someone doing that, neither does Germany...why do think we must have a titular head of state dressing up in finery and wearing a crown and hosting parties for other Royals?


But there's a Vice-President who subs for the President on some overseas trips and the Secretary of State does a lot more diplomatic trips than the Pres does

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But there's a Vice-President who subs for the President on some overseas trips and the Secretary of State does a lot more diplomatic trips than the Pres does


And Germany's head of state isn't their Chancellor, they do have a President who is elected by a special body. Germany's current President is Joachim Gauck.

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But there's a Vice-President who subs for the President on some overseas trips and the Secretary of State does a lot more diplomatic trips than the Pres does


How successful are they at those duties? This lot over here are wrecks after just a short term in office,never mind a full term,just look at Cameron lately.

I doubt that anyone could do what the Queen has done for SIXTY YEARS.

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How successful are they at those duties? This lot over here are wrecks after just a short term in office,never mind a full term,just look at Cameron lately.

I doubt that anyone could do what the Queen has done for SIXTY YEARS.


Both have been commendably succesful. Vice President Biden has done a good job in meeting and greeting at functions where the presence of Obama wasnt deemed politically necessary or essential.


The position of Secretary of State is an extremely powerful office in the US administration and is accordingly recognized as such by foreign leaders. This office involves meeting with foreign leaders on important and sensitive political matters relating to world affairs. In a job that demands long hours of travel, long hours of meetings and sometimes long periods away from home Hillary Clinton has done a pretty good job to date.


Obama could never by any stretch of the imagination fulfill all the above under any circumstances and neither could Cameron if he were to become President and take on the functions of Royalty at the same time

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