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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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And Germany's head of state isn't their Chancellor, they do have a President who is elected by a special body. Germany's current President is Joachim Gauck.


But Gauck doesnt have the political power that Angela Merkel has right"?


I'm guessing more ceremonial as far as job description goes

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I could only see the disollution of the Monarchy as being a disaster for Britain. The Monarchy is a unifying factor that transcends all politics and despite opinions to the contrary there are many in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland who still admire and recognize her as Head of State.


I dont see the appointemnt of some politician bureacrat as President in any way fufilling the same role.


The Americans are used to having a President as head of State after almost 250 years. It works fine for them since they've never known any other kind of system and the Flag and the Constitution serve as the unifying factors

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Both have been commendably succesful. Vice President Biden has done a good job in meeting and greeting at functions where the presence of Obama wasnt deemed politically necessary or essential.


The position of Secretary of State is an extremely powerful office in the US administration and is accordingly recognized as such by foreign leaders. This office involves meeting with foreign leaders on important and sensitive political matters relating to world affairs. In a job that demands long hours of travel, long hours of meetings and sometimes long periods away from home Hillary Clinton has done a pretty good job to date.


Obama could never by any stretch of the imagination fulfill all the above under any circumstances and neither could Cameron if he were to become President and take on the functions of Royalty at the same time

I like and admire Hilary Clinton.I know that some radical feminists would disagree.I'm thinking of those who thought she should have dumped Bill for his infidelities and by not doing so did women an injustice,but thats a subject for another time.

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But Gauck doesnt have the political power that Angela Merkel has right"?


I'm guessing more ceremonial as far as job description goes


It's the same with Italy and Ireland. So it's possible for us to keep our political system and have a ceremonial head of state, maybe a respected long serving back bencher. I like this style of President/head of state because the lack of power would put off the undesirables form wanting the job in the first place.

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The country is finished.

Great Britain no longer exsists

It was their swan song that memeorial you saw.

Ireland has gone, Wales has gone, and Scotland is going.

So here is poor old England, like an old widorer, remebering the good times of old.

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The country is finished.

Great Britain no longer exsists

It was their swan song that memeorial you saw.

Ireland has gone, Wales has gone, and Scotland is going.

So here is poor old England, like an old widorer, remebering the good times of old.


where have ireland and wales gone?

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The Monarchy is a unifying factor

Why is it a unifying factor?


there are many in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland who still admire and recognize her as Head of State.

I admire and recognise her as Head of State. I still want to have my say in the matter as to who my Head of State is, and not have it given to a person purely on the qualification of being the first male out of a womb.

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The country is finished.

Great Britain no longer exsists

It was their swan song that memeorial you saw.

Ireland has gone, Wales has gone, and Scotland is going.

So here is poor old England, like an old widorer, remebering the good times of old.


Isn't Great Britain the island that we're living on? :huh:

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