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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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It's the same with Italy and Ireland. So it's possible for us to keep our political system and have a ceremonial head of state, maybe a respected long serving back bencher. I like this style of President/head of state because the lack of power would put off the undesirables form wanting the job in the first place.


From where I see it a respected long serving back bencher is a poltician.... is a politician.... is a etc etc. he or she may have garnered a certain amount of respect from those who knew and were associated with that person but outside of that do you really think that such a person could replace the Monarchy as a national unifying factor? I find it hard to imagine anyway.


Would such a ceremonial position be elected or appointed? If appointed - by who? Nasty thoughts of political interests come to mind there. If it was a position that had to be won by election then all it amounts to is just another bleddy politician holding office and people in general do love to hate politicians.


It's easier to despise politicians than love em but as for the Queen I for one would have a hard time despising or hating such a person. She offends no one in any way and when she's gone I'll bet the farm that those who mourn her will by far outnumber those who resent her. You'll see.

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Why is it a unifying factor?



I admire and recognise her as Head of State. I still want to have my say in the matter as to who my Head of State is, and not have it given to a person purely on the qualification of being the first male out of a womb.


The Monarchy is an establishment that the majority of the people can identify with as being a unique part of British culture. It's also unique in that it's admired and respected in many countries all over the world and the Commonwealth of Nations bears that out. If it was otherwise then many members of that club would have turned their backs on it long ago..... but they havent - even in a rapidly changing world.


That speaks for something

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The country is finished.

Great Britain no longer exsists

It was their swan song that memeorial you saw.

Ireland has gone, Wales has gone, and Scotland is going.

So here is poor old England, like an old widorer, remebering the good times of old.


There's not one bit of logic to that doom and gloom scenario.

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I like and admire Hilary Clinton.I know that some radical feminists would disagree.I'm thinking of those who thought she should have dumped Bill for his infidelities and by not doing so did women an injustice,but thats a subject for another time.


She's a very able politician and a person of high intelligence which far outweighs feminist matters.

As a President I believe she would have had both feet firmly on the ground from the word go. Obama thought he could work with the Tea Party/Republicans but he's learned a bitter lesson since then. Hillary on the other hand had the benefit of Bill Clinton's experience and Bill was one of the best Presidents in decades. I doubt she would have had any illusions about trying to seriously work with the Republicans and instead would have put up with a lot less crap from them than Obama did.

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She's a very able politician and a person of high intelligence which far outweighs feminist matters.

As a President I believe she would have had both feet firmly on the ground from the word go. Obama thought he could work with the Tea Party/Republicans but he's learned a bitter lesson since then. Hillary on the other hand had the benefit of Bill Clinton's experience and Bill was one of the best Presidents in decades. I doubt she would have had any illusions about trying to seriously work with the Republicans and instead would have put up with a lot less crap from them than Obama did.



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The country is finished.

Great Britain no longer exsists

It was their swan song that memeorial you saw.

Ireland has gone, Wales has gone, and Scotland is going.

So here is poor old England, like an old widorer, remebering the good times of old.


There's not one bit of logic to that doom and gloom scenario.

Nor much accuracy, either. The country is the UK [not GB]; 'exsists', 'memeorial', 'widorer', and 'remebering' do not exist; Northern Ireland is still part of the UK; and neither Wales nor Scotland has left the UK.

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The Americans are used to having a President as head of State after almost 250 years. It works fine for them since they've never known any other kind of system and the Flag and the Constitution serve as the unifying factors


You've hit the nail on the head, we need a proper written constitution. Due to the age of our nation and the slow gradual transition to democracy we don't really have a proper one.

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From where I see it a respected long serving back bencher is a poltician.... is a politician.... is a etc etc. he or she may have garnered a certain amount of respect from those who knew and were associated with that person but outside of that do you really think that such a person could replace the Monarchy as a national unifying factor? I find it hard to imagine anyway.


Would such a ceremonial position be elected or appointed? If appointed - by who? Nasty thoughts of political interests come to mind there. If it was a position that had to be won by election then all it amounts to is just another bleddy politician holding office and people in general do love to hate politicians.


It's easier to despise politicians than love em but as for the Queen I for one would have a hard time despising or hating such a person. She offends no one in any way and when she's gone I'll bet the farm that those who mourn her will by far outnumber those who resent her. You'll see.


Why can't the same system that works for Germany work with us? The President is appointed by committee, and because it has very little power high profile candidates have very little interest in the post.


Also Germany is a newish country made of different states with their own different traditions and cultures, but the country is pretty unified without a monarchy; arguably more unified than we are.


I'm personally am not adverse with keeping our Royal Family, but we should keep them because we want them, not because there isn't any viable alternative.

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The Germans are envious of our Monarchy,at least they used to be when i lived there for a year in 1982. It was them (not me) who would often introduce the subject into the conversation.Their magazines were full of details about the Royal family and glossy photos of them.

Whether they feel the same now i'm not sure,but i expect many of the older generation still do.

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