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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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The Germans are envious of our Monarchy,at least they used to be when i lived there for a year in 1982. It was them (not me) who would often introduce the subject into the conversation.Their magazines were full of details about the Royal family and glossy photos of them.

Whether they feel the same now i'm not sure,but i expect many of the older generation still do.



yep the cloggies are the same I lived there for a couple of years in the 70's


lot of them had photos on the wall of them ,even the young ones.

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You've hit the nail on the head, we need a proper written constitution. Due to the age of our nation and the slow gradual transition to democracy we don't really have a proper one.


You're suggesting that Britian isn't already a democracy? I never saw anything that gave me the idea that it wasnt in the 25 years I lived there

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Why can't the same system that works for Germany work with us? The President is appointed by committee, and because it has very little power high profile candidates have very little interest in the post.Also Germany is a newish country made of different states with their own different traditions and cultures, but the country is pretty unified without a monarchy; arguably more unified than we are.


I'm personally am not adverse with keeping our Royal Family, but we should keep them because we want them, not because there isn't any viable alternative.



Very little interest in the post? Doesnt say much for the successful candidate's future job performance.


The Queen is highly dedicated to her job to say the least. I for one wouldnt touch the job of being a Monarch with a 10 fioot barge pole.

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Very little interest in the post? Doesnt say much for the successful candidate's future job performance.


The Queen is highly dedicated to her job to say the least. I for one wouldnt touch the job of being a Monarch with a 10 fioot barge pole.


That's the point, you don't have a choice whether you want to challenge her or vote for her. Just because you wouldn't touch it doesn't make it a'ok.


As for "dedicated", so she should be considering her income. There are thousands of British people who have dedicated their lives tirelessly with no remuneration other than to see their work doing good, and still have the energy to go home after and take care of their own families. What about giving one of them a shot at it?

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The Germans are envious of our Monarchy,at least they used to be when i lived there for a year in 1982. It was them (not me) who would often introduce the subject into the conversation.Their magazines were full of details about the Royal family and glossy photos of them.

Whether they feel the same now i'm not sure,but i expect many of the older generation still do.


They can always have them back you know, one is a German the other is a Greek.

Edward VIII was going to be Hitlers puppet, until Baldwin made him abdicate dont forget.

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They can always have them back you know, one is a German the other is a Greek.

Edward VIII was going to be Hitlers puppet, until Baldwin made him abdicate dont forget.


If you're going to argue against monarchy you'll have to do better than that old (nazi) chestnut.

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If you're going to argue against monarchy you'll have to do better than that old (nazi) chestnut.


If you are going to argue FOR monarchy you'd better tell us what you'd do if a raving Nazi became King. Support him, because you are a monarchist and believes that they are appointed by God, or oppose him, and not be a monarchist?


You can't pick and choose. Either you believe in hereditary privilege and rank, or you don't.

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Very little interest in the post? Doesnt say much for the successful candidate's future job performance.


The Queen is highly dedicated to her job to say the least. I for one wouldnt touch the job of being a Monarch with a 10 fioot barge pole.


I said high profile candidates would have very little interest in the job.

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