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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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They can always have them back you know, one is a German the other is a Greek.

Edward VIII was going to be Hitlers puppet, until Baldwin made him abdicate dont forget.



Thats very true,we have germans as our royal family,can you imagine if Adolf Hitler had won he would have no problems with the royals.

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You're suggesting that Britian isn't already a democracy? I never saw anything that gave me the idea that it wasnt in the 25 years I lived there


No you misunderstand, I wasn't very clear sorry. I meant we don't have a proper constitution like the fine document your adopted country was founded on, and that we should.

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Thats very true,we have germans as our royal family,can you imagine if Adolf Hitler had won he would have no problems with the royals.


He certainly had no problem with the Royals, he was quite pally with Edward the would-be Nazi king for example.

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If you are going to argue FOR monarchy you'd better tell us what you'd do if a raving Nazi became King. Support him, because you are a monarchist and believes that they are appointed by God, or oppose him, and not be a monarchist?


You can't pick and choose. Either you believe in hereditary privilege and rank, or you don't.


I don't believe in it. But arguing with the "nazi" theme would do your cause no good. Don't forget that many still have memories of lives being sacrificed for King/Queen and country and would dig their heels in further to continue the hereditary privilege. Arguing nazi will just pi55 people off.


My own personal view is not what we'd lose but what we would gain from republicanism.

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You appear to have dodged the question ron.


I'm sure there are people who would just see red and close their minds at the mention of the fact that we almost had a nazi on the throne (those people are idiots) but surely you're above that and can comment on it objectively?

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You appear to have dodged the question ron.


I'm sure there are people who would just see red and close their minds at the mention of the fact that we almost had a nazi on the throne (those people are idiots) but surely you're above that and can comment on it objectively?


Apology, wasn't my intention.


The point I was making was, at a given time in our history our King had dubious leanings to say the least. On the whole and recently the monarchy in the eyes of the people have conducted themselves almost above saintly image with the odd incursion here and there. Any republican could have dubious sympathies...how do we get rid? By the ballot box.


Edwards love affair with Hitler isn't an argument in as much as me arguing I don't like Ginger people because I got a Black eye from one when at school.

From history the Royals have jumped around in so many dodgy beds it makes a bordello look positively innocent.


Most people (probably the majority of Brits) would say 'what has Edward got to do with our lovely Queen' (who it seems can do no wrong). Who they are as individuals IMO isn't the issue..it's the system they ride off I have issues with. Although I do recognise the seriousness of his actions at the time..the government of the time took steps and nipped it in the bud. Unless the actual system is exposed for what it is it will continue.


Just re-read and thought Taxman thought I was an apology for monarchy.

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Thats very true,we have germans as our royal family,can you imagine if Adolf Hitler had won he would have no problems with the royals.


How far back was it when an actual German sat on the throne? George the First perhaps? All monarchs as far as I know since then were born in Britain even if Prince Albert Saxe Coburg and Prince Phillip both of German extraction and foreign born married into the Royal family.


If an ordinary citizen born in Britain who had German grandparents or even German parents was not British by birth what would he be classified as?


As far as Edward VIII is concerned he like quite a number in the aristocracy, the middle classes and even among the working classes were bamboozled by Hitler and Nazism in the 1930s. The atrocities against Jews and the concentration camps only started to come to light not long before the war started

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No you misunderstand, I wasn't very clear sorry. I meant we don't have a proper constitution like the fine document your adopted country was founded on, and that we should.


The Constitution is indeed a fine document and so is the system of checks and ballances. The latter however is too good for itself sometimes.


President Obama is an example of what happens when a President belongs to one party and the majority in Congress are members of the other party.

As he's found out it can be en exercise in futility in getting bills passed and programs approved specially when the majority in Congress wage partisan warfare.

It didnt used to be like that. But now it's all about getting Obama out of the white House no matter what it takes and it's just become a dirty game that's turning a lot of voters into cynics which in turn leads to nothing but apathy.

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Apology, wasn't my intention.
Well you appear to have done it again.


" tell us what you'd do if a raving Nazi became King. Support him, because you are a monarchist and believes that they are appointed by God, or oppose him, and not be a monarchist?


You can't pick and choose. Either you believe in hereditary privilege and rank, or you don't."

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The Constitution is indeed a fine document and so is the system of checks and ballances. The latter however is too good for itself sometimes.


President Obama is an example of what happens when a President belongs to one party and the majority in Congress are members of the other party.

As he's found out it can be en exercise in futility in getting bills passed and programs approved specially when the majority in Congress wage partisan warfare.

It didnt used to be like that. But now it's all about getting Obama out of the white House no matter what it takes and it's just become a dirty game that's turning a lot of voters into cynics which in turn leads to nothing but apathy.

I'm not saying the US system is perfect, not at all. Just that it's better than having a monarchy and that having a proper written constitution is a fantastic idea that all democratic countries should adopt.


I've been reading recently about how many think the republicans are voting down bills that they would have supported a couple of years ago just to make Obama look bad, they really don't want him getting a second term.

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