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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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Wouldn't this person need to be the leader of an elected political party?


So currently your real world choices are, Dave, Nick or Ed...


Like I said, it won't happen.. Cameron's a cretin, Clegg's a muppet (and not in a good way) and Ed Milliband is an un=electable joke!

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A President in the UK? Won't happen, contrary to popular belief we are NOTthe 51st US State.


The fact that the UK Government are so far up the US Establishment's back side it's not funny, not withstanding.

Oh a political comment!

. Joanna lumley is a good second choice although if these other heads of state saw clips of her as patsy we could end up at war:hihi:



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A President in the UK? Won't happen, contrary to popular belief we are NOTthe 51st US State.


The fact that the UK Government are so far up the US Establishment's back side it's not funny, not withstanding.


Every country in the world has a president, Rich, they are not are up the USA backside, like our PM is.

Infact in the USA, Camerons nickname is 'Ankles' ,because that is all you can see of him, when he is with Obama.

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Seriously if were to happen tomorrow you would have no choice but Elizabeth Windsor.

There is no one to do the job.

Previously men like MacMillan and Wilson could have done it, but aprt from hre currently with the stateman ship would be the much reviled Tony Blair.

Say what you like about him, but he has the world eating out of his hand.

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why? We have our own system we don't have to copy another one!


Eh? You lost me there...



I like the monarchy system on top of a republic that we already have. I won't sing "God save the Queen", but instead, "Long live the Queen"...



But for this thread to be realistic the president would still have to be elected and that means political parties.

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