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Without the Monarchy in place,who would you choose for President?

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It only took Pearl Harbour.


Whatever it took just be glad that the US was there to help. Up until Pearl Harbour there werent very many people eager to get involved in another war in Europe. The First War was still fresh in most people's minds and all the senseless slaughter and waste triggered off by the assassination of a pot bellied Austrian Duke in Sarajevo just seemed insane.

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Actually, that 'we' was not my point.

But the 'once in a while' means 'accidentally', to me!

But we go out to win whatever it is we're playing, its not accidental its deliberate. The accident occurs when we fail to win. We accidently shoot over the net, or roll the car on its back. I think you can see that politically too. Good intentions sometimes go awry. I'm sure that happens in your society as well as mine, especially in a millenium.:)
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:) if a royal family is of German origin, has a German name, has married into only other Germanic family for centuries but happens to live a country that isn't Germany where it has virtually no interaction with the populace whatsoever, why is it so unreasonable to consider them to have German, not British origin?

If someone wants to say the hanovers are German then that's fair enough.

Was about who we'd choose to replace the monarchy and for possibly for some brainwashed military reason you have chosen to devote your time to defending Liz. As it in no way affects you anymore i find that very interesting.

Yes we are all from somewhere different but ordinary people integrate and are absorbed by a country whereas the royalty sits in a gilded castle locked away and marries only it's German origin cousins.

Also it's always fun to discuss ethnicity with Americans. Haven't met one yet that didn't claim to be Irish or 1/19 Sioux Indian.


The Celts,Jutes,Normans,Vikings and Saxons were all Germanic peoples !

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Wasn't going to return to this thread,but in view of whats been discussed i'm posting this article on here which i was going to comment about on the "Proud to be British thread"





Turning our backs on the British fallen...sad!


It would have been better to wait till around Remembrance day to post something about that.

Way off topic, you silly fool.

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