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"Excessive Drinking the scandal of our Society"

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The difference I see nowadays to when I was a youth and went out on a regular basis is we went out for a good time had a few drinks and sometimes got drunk in the process but we went out to have a good time the getting drunk was a bonus or hindrance gauged on how you felt the following morning,I am lucky I dont have hangovers, nowadays they dont put the "have a good time" as a priority they work backwards ,they go out to get bladdered then take it from there with the state they get in very early on in the evening Im surprised at the number of single mums JK has on his program surely they must me too bladdered to do owt

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The difference I see nowadays to when I was a youth and went out on a regular basis is we went out for a good time had a few drinks and sometimes got drunk in the process but we went out to have a good time the getting drunk was a bonus or hindrance gauged on how you felt the following morning,I am lucky I dont have hangovers, nowadays they dont put the "have a good time" as a priority they work backwards ,they go out to get bladdered then take it from there with the state they get in very early on in the evening Im surprised at the number of single mums JK has on his program surely they must me too bladdered to do owt


got to admit i did much the same, and to be honest i could handle plenty, dont get me wrong i was drunk but not fighting or throwing up ,and now, i very rarely touch booze at all, and im on only mid 30's, i simply dont crave it anymore.

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i dont know and dont particularly care and is totally irrelevant to the matter under discussion


So, a super rich politician, David Cameron, makes noises about raising alcohol prices which will directly effect the poor, but not the heavily subsidised political class, and you believe its 'irrelevant'?


Please take your head out of the dirt...

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I like how this is being pressented as some kind of new problem. The English have been drunkards since the beginning of time.


Dont say that you will offend them.

They are all first stage abolishenists (try saying that when you've had a pint)

The next stage is full blown Islam and down the Mosque for a joint and a curry.;)

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Yes why is it that Brits seem to have this problem of binge drinking , an American reporter was in London covering the wedding last year (Anderson Cooper) he left his hotel room at 11pm went outside as the pubs were turning out, he said people were just throwing up and urinating on the side walks like it was nothing...maybe it's just London at 11pm :confused:


Binge drinking does seem to be prevalent (particularly amongst young people in the UK at weekends) but they're hardly unique.


Some years ago the town of Gallup, New Mexico, pased a law which said: "If you are caught drunk in a public place more than 3 times in any one week, you will serve a week in jail."


The law lasted for just under 4 weeks. By which time there was a 6-month waiting list for a place in prison. :hihi:

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got to admit i did much the same, and to be honest i could handle plenty, dont get me wrong i was drunk but not fighting or throwing up ,and now, i very rarely touch booze at all, and im on only mid 30's, i simply dont crave it anymore.

I still like a drink but very rarely imbibe ..why ? simple,,I dont like being ripped off

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So aside from your own personal drinking habits.

Why do you think young people feel so pressured to drink to such excess,and why does it seem to be much more prevelant then it used to be.Very heavy drinking does seem to more numerous in the UK then in many other countries.

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So aside from your own personal drinking habits.

Why do you think young people feel so pressured to drink to such excess,and why does it seem to be much more prevelant then it used to be.Very heavy drinking does seem to more numerous in the UK then in many other countries.




It suggests that heavy drinking is falling, abstinence is rising, and young people are leading the drive towards healthier drinking.


The decrease among some groups even pre-dates 2002, with men aged 16-24 drinking 26 units a week on average in 1999 and just 15 units a week in 2009, according to the ONS figures.


Young people are drinking less and less.


Perhaps this is due to the cost. Perhaps they are all getting stoned instead as it is far cheaper due to the high cost of alcohol. Considering I haven't been asked by youths to go into shop for alcohol in a long while, yet they constantly ask for cigarettes and silver rizla I suspect they are all getting stoned due to alcohol being too expensive.

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Young people are drinking less and less.


Perhaps this is due to the cost. Perhaps they are all getting stoned instead as it is far cheaper due to the high cost of alcohol. Considering I haven't been asked by youths to go into shop for alcohol in a long while, yet they constantly ask for cigarettes and silver rizla I suspect they are all getting stoned due to alcohol being too expensive.


Well that would contradict anything i have read.Would you have got it for them if they had asked you then?

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