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CSA..Is it just me that thinks its a joke?

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But if you are in a relationship with a woman you trust to such a degree, you would presumably love the fruit of that relationship and be happy to financially support your offspring, in addition to the emotional and intellectual support you are providing to it?


shhh stop using common sense!!!

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i take it be 'doing nothing' you mean looking after the children?


it's quite obvious where the sympathy should lay in all these scenarios. the poor kids stuck with at least one parent more concerned about money than their wellbeing.


A child that is aged 13 does not need a stay at home parent. They are more than capable of working. Very often the child also stays at the absent parents house over the weekend. I don't think asking for a fair share would be that hard.


If I had a child and had a partner on a similar wage I would always have to work and pay for childcare. I don't see why someone's children should be better or worse off because the relationship broke down....or maybe that is the aim of it?

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The CSA really stink...I always paid for my two kids maintenance every week without fail, paid cash into the nationwide to their accounts...my ex decided to try and get more through the CSA ! (advice from a so called mate)

I had two big piles of receipts from the bank to say I had paid !!!

The poxy CSA said I owed so much in back pay because I hadn't paid the money into my ex's account !!!

I had to pay basically double ? What ****** me off is knowing I paid without fail every Friday !!!

she made no extra money from it ? So why go through with it !!! It stinks....

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The CSA really stink...I always paid for my two kids maintenance every week without fail, paid cash into the nationwide to their accounts...my ex decided to try and get more through the CSA ! (advice from a so called mate)

I had two big piles of receipts from the bank to say I had paid !!!

The poxy CSA said I owed so much in back pay because I hadn't paid the money into my ex's account !!!

I had to pay basically double ? What ****** me off is knowing I paid without fail every Friday !!!

she made no extra money from it ? So why go through with it !!! It stinks....


I didn't think they took back payments from before they first received the claim? That's what they told us anyway.

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CSA is wrong full stop i have 2 kids that i see on a regular basis and they have there own stuff at my house then we go halfs on any Schhol Uniform/Holidays etc that should be enough it doesnt cost anymore than £100 a month to feed a school age child so why did i no somebody who was paying £350/Month?


Also its ok saying the father should pay but what about fathers rights, Why will the mum automatically get custody of the child thats equality for you.

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Unfortunatly not all exs see it :-( in 4 years ive had 40 pounds off brans dad :-(,however just makes me more proud of myself for being a working single parent :-),im sick of hearing parents using kids. As a reason not to work

A child that is aged 13 does not need a stay at home parent. They are more than capable of working. Very often the child also stays at the absent parents house over the weekend. I don't think asking for a fair share would be that hard.


If I had a child and had a partner on a similar wage I would always have to work and pay for childcare. I don't see why someone's children should be better or worse off because the relationship broke down....or maybe that is the aim of it?

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Go gay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




They'll still nobble you for £30 a week and force you out into an HMO, she/he is better off without you when they are with child.


What they should do is give men the option to keep the kid. Or maybe even incentivise families to stay together rather than break up!

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The CSA really stink...I always paid for my two kids maintenance every week without fail, paid cash into the nationwide to their accounts...my ex decided to try and get more through the CSA ! (advice from a so called mate)

I had two big piles of receipts from the bank to say I had paid !!!

The poxy CSA said I owed so much in back pay because I hadn't paid the money into my ex's account !!!

I had to pay basically double ? What ****** me off is knowing I paid without fail every Friday !!!

she made no extra money from it ? So why go through with it !!! It stinks....


The CSA do not accept cheques payments/ cash payments (even if they are cashed into the account or signed as recieved by the person)


My advice to people who pay is only EVER pay via a standing order into the account. Otherwise if the person tells the CSA that you have not paid the CSA will ask for it all to be paid again. They have their own appeal system and laws, it is impossible to prove innocence from what I have seen even with a paper trail of payments. The government is currently trying to get people to pay direct to their partners, which in an ideal world should be how it is done. However be careful as otherwise you could end up paying twice.


I find the CSA quite chilling, I'm all for making people pay but the more I find out about it and how it works makes me realise it is not all as it seems.

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CSA is wrong full stop i have 2 kids that i see on a regular basis and they have there own stuff at my house then we go halfs on any Schhol Uniform/Holidays etc that should be enough it doesnt cost anymore than £100 a month to feed a school age child so why did i no somebody who was paying £350/Month?


Also its ok saying the father should pay but what about fathers rights, Why will the mum automatically get custody of the child thats equality for you.


Is it not something to do with the old tradition of Mum stays at home and looks after the kids whilst Dad goes to work? So if the parents plit up, mum stays in the home and looks after the kids, the Dad leaves but goes to work to pay for them?


Personally I think it stinks the way CSA works things out sometimes. Which ever parent has custody of them, they should be made to pay equally. I've known a few mothers who rant that their children's Dad only pays x amount and they have to pay for everything else, but they don't actually earn any of the money like the father does, it all comes from child benefit and child tax credit.

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