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Grades in Martial arts


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Grades - a western thing.


Could be construed that this is what the 'customer' wants, a reward for being at a certain level.


Another possible is that it 'ties' you in. you've got you're 1st grade, you've only got to keep coming twice a week for a further 4 years and grade 8 times at £15 a time to get your black.


Ignore the belt. Concentrate on enjoying what you're doing.

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Yes and No Garryn

All depends on how you look at it.

Right some clubs/gyms/dojos fight

and thats all they do fight fight fight.

Now if someone doesnt fight , then what do they have to aim for?


Also as for you saying turn up twice a week for 4 years and pay £15 8 times and youre a black belt?

I have trained a hell of a lot longer and harder than that and i have fighted in different rules systems

Why am i not a black belt then?


bottom line is

some black belts are a peice of ****

some are hard to get


As for "western thing" if the instructor produces quality for the grade then thats cool.

If the belts are given out like chrismas presents then its not ok

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Originally posted by Freddylee

if the instructor produces quality for the grade then thats cool.

If the belts are given out like chrismas presents then its not ok


I'd agree. Just with a question like this, most people look at whats in the grading system for a student. Thought I'd put forward a different slant on it.


How about these observations.

When you have an ultimate of 'black belt', how many people do you know of who got to that level and packed up or moved on? Their motivation is concentrated on that 1st dan. Once there They don't know what to do.


Its nice to get graded, but I wouldn't miss it. If I turn up, apply myself and don't just leave it in the dojo I should get better.


I'll concentrate on what I'm doing, not what colours round my waist.



Freddy, Dave, Barragergus its 7pm christmas eve. So merry Xmas everyone, hope its a good 'un.

Time to start thinking of a resolution to ignore!

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Originally posted by Freddylee


disaree totally

dan grade has gotta mean something.

to me a black belt can do the techniques AND cant fight AND can teach.

if you cant do all 3 you have no business beign a black belt



the thing is that a dan grade doesn't have to mean the same thing between styles. So as long as a given style is internally consistent and is clear about what is required for that belt, then fair enough.


Nobody ever said that all that dan grades are equal (not even with the 'some more equal than others' proviso).

It's all well and good having a personal definition of what a dan grade should mean, but unless you become ultimate ruler of the world (my ultimate aim of course) then it doesn't matter, because you don't decide what they mean, every style or even club decides for themselves what they mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Davemantis

so what about the oap's that have a black belt???????????


what about them? Do you expect people to hand back their belt as they get older?


You wouldn't get many white haired old grand masters that way, they'd be replaced by the time they were say 50 because they couldn't perform anymore. The fact that they still know everything and are perfectly capable of teaching it non-withstanding.

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I don't think anyone would expect a 90 year old to be able to fight to the same standard as a 25 year old... but their technique and teaching ability should be 65 years more refined.


I don't think anyone would be taking Helio Gracie's belt away, or any of the other old masters who have spent their whole lives training and promoting their art. It'd be disrespectful to do so.


However, it should still be based on their achievements earlier in life... just because someone's been training forever doesn't necessarily make them good if their heart hasn't been in it.

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