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Putting one's foot down

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Edited. Didnt see mod warning as i was replying


I have, thats why (and in danger of repeating myself) it wassuch a shock to hear the lie.

Said child was given ample opportunity to come clean.

3 strikes and they are out so to speak.

Having said all that, said child had an interesting day cleaning their bedroom, helping with the jobs around the house then as a reward for hard work an hour or so in the Museum.

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I personally can't see how anyone can evaluate whether Mr Moran's punishment was justified or not because we don't know the age of the child or what lie they told.

Me also, the post did not make much sense to me and left me with far too many questions.


1) age


2)the lie


3)opportunity to tell the truth


4)previous teaching/educating that the behavior is unacceptable and why.


5)did the punishment fit the crime

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Me also, the post did not make much sense to me and left me with far too many questions.


1) age


2)the lie


3)opportunity to tell the truth


4)previous teaching/educating that the behavior is unacceptable and why.


5)did the punishment fit the crime


Well seeing as the character assasinations seem to have stopped (cheers mods :) ) ill answer



1) age 8


2)the lie Not really relevant and im sure short of murder youll say "wow, crime of the century" or some other lame comment, but if you must know she hid some of her brothers stuff and "didnt know" where it was.


3)opportunity to tell the truth enough, more than enough in fact


4)previous teaching/educating that the behavior is unacceptable and why.:rolleyes:. Give over..


5)did the punishment fit the crime Too right it did



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Reading through this thread there are many parents who have openly said that Mr Moran handled the situation the wrong way. So, what do you do if your child lies to you?

Is there any difference in the way you handle it depending on the severity and / or reason for the lie?

If your child has to lie to you then there is a bigger underlying problems such as respect and trust.


Trust because the child does not feel that you could be capable of being proportionate in any punishment, and the parent disbelieves anything out of hand what the child says.


Respect because the child feels that it is better to lie than rely on parental judgment, and the parent feels that the child is not meeting their expectations highlighting falling's in that parenting.


Mutual respect relies on trust from both parties and if you are at a point where that is lost then no matter what either side says it is not going to be acceptable to the other and relationship breaks down.

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Well seeing as the character assasinations seem to have stopped (cheers mods :) ) ill answer





No, I think you are scared of judgment of people on here that you have taken it all out of proportion and that's why you steer clear of saying what it was.

Its no concern to us other than to get everything in context, we don't know you personally so...


Why don't you share this none crime of the century with us ?

Embarrassment that you really have blown something into nothing ?


Is this a case of your pride being hurt that the child dare to lie to you because if it is you are going to really take a look at yourself rather than be judgmental on the children, or is that what you fear ?

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No, *snipped*



Why don't you share this none crime of the century with us ?

Embarrassment that you really have blown something into nothing ?




Then as ive already answered that and your choosing to ignore my answer, i cant help you :)

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