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Just another dog poo rant..

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I went to Shaw's ironmongers today and decided to take the kids into the Duchess Road play area. While they were on the swings a guy came out of a house opposite on Clough Street specifically to 'exercise' his two bulldogs in the playground (I wonder how many times a day he does that...)


He didn't see his dogs defecating on the grass as he looked at his phone, pretty convenient really as I don't expect he had any bags to clear it up.


At least that explains the dog excrement smeared all over the kids slide.


May a plague of crabs infest his genitals, and scabies inhabit his anus.


Rant over.


Have you been watching some of my dvd collection :hihi:

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actually, rather than report it to the dog warden, I'd report it to parks and gardens (or whatever they're called these days) and insist the slide is cleaned - that's likely to carry more weight as it has actually caused a problem, and is going to cost the council money to clear up rather than just a random gripe about sommat that's not bothering anybody really, so is more trouble to do something about than it's actually worth


Please report this scrote Draggletail!


I took H and Brude all the way to Clifton Park in Rotherham today, as I couldn't think of anywhere in Sheffield where the play equipment isn't fenced in. It's gits like him that have brought this about :rant:

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actually, rather than report it to the dog warden, I'd report it to parks and gardens (or whatever they're called these days) and insist the slide is cleaned - that's likely to carry more weight as it has actually caused a problem, and is going to cost the council money to clear up rather than just a random gripe about sommat that's not bothering anybody really, so is more trouble to do something about than it's actually worth


Please report this scrote Draggletail!


I took H and Brude all the way to Clifton Park in Rotherham today, as I couldn't think of anywhere in Sheffield where the play equipment isn't fenced in. It's gits like him that have brought this about :rant:


Totally agree. And Clifton Park has wardens too, walking around all the time, and challenging any kids who are not respecting others. There was a particular ride my kids wanted a go on but it was very popular with the teenagers - I was pleasantly surprised when a group of teenagers asked me if my kids wanted a go and they moved to let them play.


When are the council going to tackle these disgusting people? What has to happen first?


The last time I reported dog fouling in our neighbourhood, I emailed streetforce, (who usually are excellent) - they emailed me and said veolia now have the contract for cleansing. If everyone reported it, via email, and asked for it to be cleaned up and followed it up, it might force the council to act.

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i hate it too people walk up from private estate across rd from me let the dogs do there doo on the grass outside our house then walk back. it not really fair on my kids as i cant let them go out and play due to them coming back in covered in poo

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