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Tips when you're moving

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Set aside one box for fittings. Put all shelf supports, nuts, bolts, screws, and other fastenings in that box as you dismantle items for packing. - That way, when you come to put things back together, you've got all the bits. (I use plastic sandwich bags; one for each set of nuts & bolts, etc.)


You might want to set aside another small box (or reserve space in the 'fittings' box) for remotes and keys (keys you are going to take with you.) They seem to grow legs at moving time.


Start the clear out now! - There's bound to be some stuff you've been 'meaning to get rid of' - If you leave it to the last minute, it will probably move with you.

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Make sure the first thing you do when you get to your new house is put your bed up first the boxes can wait to be unpacked, at least if your bed is made you can just go get in it when you are shattered. Also put all your essentials in a holdall such as toiletries, medicines, toothbrush etc as if you are going away for the night or something. Get packing now and good luck, also its a good time to have a clear out of the things you dont want anymore.

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As others have said, start chucking out stuff now which you don't need, and start collecting boxes, newspapers and bubble wrap etc.


Also, make a list of people whom you need to inform of the move, such as employers, banks etc, and cross them off after you have informed them.


Non essential items like pictures, ornaments etc, can be packed away now, and labelled.


Good Luck!

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