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The Sun gets 110.000 Quatada petition

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The Sun today got a 110.000 petition together in just 8 days to get Quatada out of the country.

It took just eight days to gain such massive support, making it the fastest-growing newspaper petition in modern history.


Part of the story is about how much housing benefit they are getting (£1,900-a-month), but if you scroll down you will see about the petition.


A Tory had this to say about it.

Tory MP Dominic Raab, who signed yesterday, said: "This is evidence of a groundswell of support for restoring democratic control over who makes law in Britain."


Who is that then Dominic ? The owner of the Sun, Rupert Murdoch ? :hihi:

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Its amazing that they have been able to rent a four hundred thousand pound house in London. Maybe they should have rented him one in Worcestershire, as it would have been so much cheaper. He can't speak to anyone, phone anyone or go out for more than an hour anyway, so why does he need to be in expensive London?


The beautiful Worcestershire countryside might have calmed him down a bit - although I feel for the locals - as this is my home county.

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If he goes the Sun are going to claim the victory regardless that they have had no influence over the decision. They create the illusion to their readers that they make a difference, and that's what matters.

Then when it comes to elections the readers thinking of all the times they have made a difference all speaking with one voice and follow the papers line on who to support which scares politicians into pandering to them, thus getting pro Murdock press policies through.


I hope that now they have started to tackle this problem they follow it out and legislate that no one person can hold a monopoly over the media as its un healthy for democracy.

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With a bit of luck the 2 faced, hypocritical toerag will get the boot back to Jordan. At least a newspaper is trying to get something done about him.


I think people are going a bit over the top with their hatred for him, its not like he's a paedophile or owt, if he was that bad and dangerous he wouldn't be on the streets.

The question- what did he do so wrong in the first place?? hasn't really been answered.

All I see is media hype.

I read The Sun too but it doesn't mean I believe the crap they write in it. It's all propaganda done to create fear (you might call it terrorism) so when we bomb the crap out of the next country on the list, people will reassure themselves it was necessary for those babies to die, for the greater good, it was them or us.

When in reality it's all just a smokescreen for for the west's quest to murder and steal it's way across the Globe.


That's what I think anyway.

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I think people are going a bit over the top with their hatred for him, its not like he's a paedophile or owt, if he was that bad and dangerous he wouldn't be on the streets.

The question- what did he do so wrong in the first place?? hasn't really been answered.

All I see is media hype.

I read The Sun too but it doesn't mean I believe the crap they write in it. It's all propaganda done to create fear (you might call it terrorism) so when we bomb the crap out of the next country on the list, people will reassure themselves it was necessary for those babies to die, for the greater good, it was them or us.

When in reality it's all just a smokescreen for for the west's quest to murder and steal it's way across the Globe.


That's what I think anyway.

So you can work out all that but cant see that this mans rhetoric is just as dangerous, if not more ?

He preaches to people willing to blow themselves and others up in the name of God, you cant hold a candle to that. At least the Sun for all its failings has to get the people and a democratic Government on board before anyone is slain, he talks to people that just need the nod and a few choice words.


I detest the Murdock press, but you cannot equate the two.

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So you can work out all that but cant see that this mans rhetoric is just as dangerous, if not more ?

He preaches to people willing to blow themselves and others up in the name of God, you cant hold a candle to that. At least the Sun for all its failings has to get the people and a democratic Government on board before anyone is slain, he talks to people that just need the nod and a few choice words.


I detest the Murdock press, but you cannot equate the two.


There are many crazy people saying crazy things in this country. It's only because it suits the agenda of creating fear of Muslims that the bloke got so much media attention.


"He preaches to people willing to blow themselves and others up in the name of God,"


What evidence is there that he influenced anybody to do that.

I'm not saying there isn't any, obviously he's offended somebody and there are some nasty people about, but to make a better judgement I'd like to know the kind of things he said, direct quotes etc.

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