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Remember wako and the davidians?

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Prove to us that it was about more funding. Please provide evidence, and I don't mean the words of some self proclaimed expert. I want to see facts and figures.




Here you go.



*5 In the jargon of at least one ATF office, the Waco raid was what is known as a ZBO ("Zee Big One"), a press-drawing stunt that when shown to Congress at budget time justifies more funding. One of the largest deployments in bureau history, the attack on the Branch Davidians compound was, in the eyes of some of the agents, the ultimate ZBO. [20]



Sorry, I cannot see anything that supports your claim. How about showing me evidence of the ATF budget, pre and post Waco :)

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It was not a cult, how hard is that to grasp? I note that you ignore the evidence provided. Why is that?


What was it then, the Women's Institute?


I am not trawling through pages of rubbish to answer my own question. If you want to prove it, provide me with concise information.

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Ah OK...seems a very random subject for a first post/thread on a forum..what's your interest in it all? Just another USA bashing thread?


No not at all. I like America. Each state is different and some are really extreme. Waco was a mass murder, and the victims were blamed. They the state got away with it and in doing so might do it again. Plus the uk never really did anything about the mass killings of so many British people.

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No not at all. I like America. Each state is different and some are really extreme. Waco was a mass murder, and the victims were blamed. They the state got away with it and in doing so might do it again. Plus the uk never really did anything about the mass killings of so many British people.


What about the murder of the federal officers?

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