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Remember wako and the davidians?

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They new about the raid just before it happened.


If your a gun dealer you keep your guns secure.


If I was a gun dealer, I would secure my weapons by storing them in a safe or strong room, not by shooting anyone who tried to enter my home.


In self defense yes!


So, if the police fired at you, would you think it was wise to fire back?

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1, to get more funding for the ATF.


2, to slap down one of the vast numbers of this type of religious sect.


1) What was the ATF funding before and after the event? In what way was the ATF funding before the event inadequate? Who would benefit from increased funding to the ATF?


2) Circular reasoning. Try again.




You still haven't answer this.



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Even if that point were to be conceded (which it hasn't), then why did they not just give themselves up after the cease fire? After all there was a media presence so they could hardly all just be executed in a fund raising fit could they.




They were about to surrender, when they were killed.

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Why attack that compound? The situation was contained. Why send tanks in? In attacking the compound in this manner they were bound to kill everyone. Why? They could have starved them out. Why from the outset was this mass slaughter intended?





speaking of mass slaughter ,remember jones town


the authorities held back there did'nt they:D......900 dead

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Evidence or STFU.

Also, why wait 50 days to surrender?

Doube also, you still haven't answered post 66.




Evidence, I've provided it.


Why wait 50 days? Who cares why?


Pointless responding any further to 66


Why kill all those people? Answer, that was the intension. Why did they intend to kill everyone? to send a message to all the other religious sects that the state rules?


The evidence is in the tactics used and all the dead.

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