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What have Labour ever done for you?

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What have Labour ever done for you that keeps you supporting them? I genuinely do not see the attraction of this political party and would really like to know why they attract ANY support.


Without getting too Pythonesque can anyone from the lefty side of this city explain to me why you support a party that is so obviously riven with incompetent, money grubbing, middle class, university educated, inarticulate, dishonest fools? As for Sheffield City Council's Labour councillors it's hard to see past their utter stupidity and outdated class wars.


Blair and Mandelson are well know gold diggers. Today we learn Brown has raked in £1.4m since proving he is the world's most incompetent economist. Blunkett has trawled in almost £500k from Murdoch alone. Endless others got caught with their hands in the till. Blair has more money than Cameron doesn't he?


Can I please have some sensible views on why Labour have anything to offer ordinary, working, tax paying folks like me.

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Well if you want an honest answer and not a discussion as the the content of the character of politicians I can tell you.


I was a full time home maker working a part time evening job with a husband and two very small children. Through no fault of my own I found myself a single mother with two small children and stuck.


My employer graciously allowed me to shift my work to daytime patterns, if it were not for the Childcare tax credits, and working tax credits I would have found myself unemployed and claiming benefits. Both these things lifted a lot of people (mainly women) out of the benefits trap and allowed them the dignity of being part of the working world. They also introduced the nursery voucher scheme where parents could buy their childcare tax free out of their salary. All schemes which enabled more people to work. :D


It is unfortunate that a lot of the work afforded mothers with small children only offer part time work which means that the credits system enabled us to work.


The current administration however think that this isn't right and have decided in these trying times where work is scarce and employers are given to offer contracts of zero hours or more usually up to 16, they are moving the tax credit goal posts to a minimum contracted hours of 25.


So were I claiming tax credits and working 20 hours a week i will no longer qualify for support to bring my income up to a living wage or for childcare support. Which in effect would push me out of work and back into benefits. :|


So Labour enabled me to work and contribute to society whilst making sure my children were cared for. That won't be happening to alot of women in the future following the implementation of the changes.


just one example but that is what Labour did for me.

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