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What have Labour ever done for you?

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You know the saying that appears on these boards everday how people always keep going on about how Thatcher ruined the UK, well, why do the tory bullies always go on on about the 1970s?




Because Labour's paymasters the unions were bullying the country. They were holding power supplies, transport and food distribution to ransom. In 1979 the people said enough is enough and kicked out Labour. They gave the Tories a mandate to sort out the unions and they did exactly the job they were elected to do.


Get hold of a copy of a Peter Seller's film called "I'm Alright Jack". That pretty much captures the mood of the time

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so what part/s of tom fletcher post you think is not happening here and now ?




In which part of Sheffield are the peasants ploughing the fields for their liege Lord in return for their turnips and gruel?


I think you'll find most of the peasants will be down the pub or at the match or plonked in front of their 42" plasma screens.


When was the last time anyone ont'Manor doffed their baseball cap at all?

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What have Labour ever done for you that keeps you supporting them? I genuinely do not see the attraction of this political party and would really like to know why they attract ANY support.


Without getting too Pythonesque can anyone from the lefty side of this city explain to me why you support a party that is so obviously riven with incompetent, money grubbing, middle class, university educated, inarticulate, dishonest fools? As for Sheffield City Council's Labour councillors it's hard to see past their utter stupidity and outdated class wars.


Blair and Mandelson are well know gold diggers. Today we learn Brown has raked in £1.4m since proving he is the world's most incompetent economist. Blunkett has trawled in almost £500k from Murdoch alone. Endless others got caught with their hands in the till. Blair has more money than Cameron doesn't he?


In Sheffield they are still making us still pay for the Student Games forever and a day, thank you Labour and it is an "effing " labour.

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In which part of Sheffield are the peasants ploughing the fields for their liege Lord in return for their turnips and gruel?


I think you'll find most of the peasants will be down the pub or at the match or plonked in front of their 42" plasma screens.


When was the last time anyone ont'Manor doffed their baseball cap at all?

no they are working in tesco for nothing :hihi: courtesy of the condems. tell me how you think its ok for people to work for nothing when if they had a proper job and were paying tax on it the condems would be getting something back in return.
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Because Labour's paymasters the unions were bullying the country. They were holding power supplies, transport and food distribution to ransom. In 1979 the people said enough is enough and kicked out Labour. They gave the Tories a mandate to sort out the unions and they did exactly the job they were elected to do.


Get hold of a copy of a Peter Seller's film called "I'm Alright Jack". That pretty much captures the mood of the time


You shound like all the other tory bigots.


Thatcher ruined the UK

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To be blunt about it:


Labour give you vaseline to ease the pain whilst you're being shafted

Tories wear a barbed sheath and make no attempt to hide the pleasure they derive from it

Lib Dems are the ones that hold you down while you're being shafted

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You shound like all the other tory bigots.


Thatcher ruined the UK

No, the militant unions and left wing mindset ruined British industry, Thatcher put a much-needed stop to union power.


If Thatcher ruined the UK, how come Labour inherited such a booming economy? (which they destroyed).


And for goodness' sake, how was his post bigoted??

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