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What have Labour ever done for you?

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What have Labour ever done for you that keeps you supporting them? I genuinely do not see the attraction of this political party and would really like to know why they attract ANY support.

The old Labour party did a lot for people.


I suspect the current Tory Labour party gets its support because


[a] There's not much alternative


[c] General ignorance regarding current affairs


“What luck for the rulers that men do not think"

Adolph Hitler

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Its not a case of what or who leads the party or what they did or did not do,the basic polices what the party stands for is what you support through thick or thin

and the two party's represent two completely different agendas and people,granted they all make mistakes from time to time but they should represent the people who vote for them I dont class my self as a toff or rich business man I am just a working man trying to get on as I see it conservatives don't help the working class at all if I was a rich business man I would probably want to vote the conservatives in so I can get away with some tax and salt some money away in an off shore account, every thing that has been done to better the working class has been done for us by the Labour party ,the Labour party make a lot of mistakes and they do tend to let the unions run the show to much but if it was not for the unions we would be working under Victorian style mismanagement with no rights at all back to Bob Cratchit days,




I understand your argument but my problem is that I don't know what Labour stand for and I'm not sure they do. It seems to me they stand for power for it's own sake. They don't appear to have any ideas let alone plans they could put into practice.


Lots of people believe Labour stand for the working man but who is the working man these days? I work, I'm a man, but Labour have done nothing for me. They've ruined public services, they've made my life complicated with their bureaucracy, they've let in millions of immigrants, they've taxed me more than ever before, they've ruined my kids prospects for the future and they've ruined my city. As far as I'm concerned they have been a disaster.


Surely the thing that helps the working man more than anything is a successful economy. Labour seem incapable of doing that. I accept that Labour have brought social change in the past but it's hard to see how they aren't past their sell by date as they've brought nothing but misery since the 60s.


Labour seem to be more for the non working man these days.

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The old Labour party did a lot for people.


I suspect the current Tory Labour party gets its support because


[a] There's not much alternative


[c] General ignorance regarding current affairs




True enough


What Old Labour did was good but has gone and won't be coming back. They blew it in 1979 and they haven't been able to buy a vote since, except in Sheffield where that's exactly what they do. That's why the council owes £2.1bn.


Ignorance is part of the problem but inaccurate, loony left rhetoric peddled from generation to generation has more to do with it. The Peasant Revolt is still headline news in The Socialist Shirker.

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I understand your argument but my problem is that I don't know what Labour stand for and I'm not sure they do. It seems to me they stand for power for it's own sake. They don't appear to have any ideas let alone plans they could put into practice.


Lots of people believe Labour stand for the working man but who is the working man these days? I work, I'm a man, but Labour have done nothing for me. They've ruined public services, they've made my life complicated with their bureaucracy, they've let in millions of immigrants, they've taxed me more than ever before, they've ruined my kids prospects for the future and they've ruined my city. As far as I'm concerned they have been a disaster.


Surely the thing that helps the working man more than anything is a successful economy. Labour seem incapable of doing that. I accept that Labour have brought social change in the past but it's hard to see how they aren't past their sell by date as they've brought nothing but misery since the 60s.

so why have the condems ruined the public sector even more now ? why are the condems taxing you even more now and letting the well off pay as little as tax as possible ? why are the condems bringing in stupid workfare places where there is jobs in the first place, why do you think a work force not earning any money and (not paying)tax is a boost for a successful economy ?
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