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What have Labour ever done for you?

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The old Labour party did a lot for people.


I suspect the current Tory Labour party gets its support because


[a] There's not much alternative


[c] General ignorance regarding current affairs




So a man as yourself, driven by you fruitcake Tax Payers Alliance / David Icke agenda would have supported Labour back then?????

I Don't think so somehow.:)

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so why have the condems ruined the public sector even more now ? why are the condems taxing you even more now and letting the well off pay as little as tax as possible ? why are the condems bringing in stupid workfare places where there is jobs in the first place, why do you think a work force not earning any money and (not paying)tax is a boost for a successful economy ?




Labour threw hundreds of borrowed billions at the public sector to little effect. Most of it went on more jobs and higher pay for the unions members. I don't see how that benefited more than a few people.


The blindingly obvious reason spending is being cut and taxes are going up is to get to a point where we can stop borrowing £4,000,000,000 a week to keep public services going. That was Labour's legacy to the working man. I don't see how having that level of debt helps the working man at all.


Labour had 13 years to help people like me. All they did was borrow money, put up taxes and spend the proceeds on vanity projects. What would have helped me would have been to cut taxes for the low paid, the old, children and the unemployed. They could have improved public services, streamlined bureaucracy and kept the borders closed. I fail to see how letting in millions of immigrants helped the working man at all.

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Labour threw hundreds of borrowed billions at the public sector to little effect. Most of it went on more jobs and higher pay for the unions members. I don't see how that benefited more than a few people.


The blindingly obvious reason spending is being cut and taxes are going up is to get to a point where we can stop borrowing £4,000,000,000 a week to keep public services going. That was Labour's legacy to the working man. I don't see how having that level of debt helps the working man at all.


Labour had 13 years to help people like me. All they did was borrow money, put up taxes and spend the proceeds on vanity projects. What would have helped me would have been to cut taxes for the low paid, the old, children and the unemployed. They could have improved public services, streamlined bureaucracy and kept the borders closed. I fail to see how letting in millions of immigrants helped the working man at all.



Why do you tell so many lies? The reason we are in debt was because we bailed out the Conservatives friends, the bankers, which the Cons would have done too. Infact, your selective memory has probably overlooked the fact that the Cons said, right upto the Credit Crunch, that they would, match Labours' public spending plans.

In your rant about the improving conditions for the working man, didn't the Cons oppose Labours introduction of the minimum wage?

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I joined the site to get feedback for a road safety scheme launched last week. Under the regerme heading the site promotes road safety via the medium of vehicle registration numbers.

I have e:mailed every MP. In effect I have financed a new company start up that will create employment and is an asset to communities.

15 e:mails I have received in reply indicate the MP supports the scheme. Two MPs replied saying they could not attend the event???? Four MPs including Nick Clegg wish the scheme well but could not offer support and no reply from the rest.

Every senior police officer I e:mailed replied and offered approval.

The scheme is free, altruistic and we know from trials over 6 months the road safety for schools component of the site decreases anti social and dangerous parking around schools when promoted through bulletins.

MPs from whatever party are quick to dispense a diatribe against the unemployed and people sat back doing nothing to get the country back on its feet but it seems when the opportunity to help raises its head they go into hiding.

There is no one party better than another.

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I understand your argument but my problem is that I don't know what Labour stand for and I'm not sure they do. It seems to me they stand for power for it's own sake. They don't appear to have any ideas let alone plans they could put into practice.


Lots of people believe Labour stand for the working man but who is the working man these days? I work, I'm a man, but Labour have done nothing for me. They've ruined public services, they've made my life complicated with their bureaucracy, they've let in millions of immigrants, they've taxed me more than ever before, they've ruined my kids prospects for the future and they've ruined my city. As far as I'm concerned they have been a disaster.


Surely the thing that helps the working man more than anything is a successful economy. Labour seem incapable of doing that. I accept that Labour have brought social change in the past but it's hard to see how they aren't past their sell by date as they've brought nothing but misery since the 60s.


Labour seem to be more for the non working man these days.

I dont know were to start with this one but

Thatchers government set education back a hundred years in this country my kids were educated under thatchers government I educated them more than they learnt at school.

Most of the public services were sold of or destroyed under thatchers government

All the misery ive lived through has been under conservative governments and the present one

Tell me anything thing the conservatives have or ever did for Sheffield or even Yorkshire that was of any help at all.

The labour government do have a direction they just don't seem to have right leader at the moment

as for things being out of date would you say that about the NHS being out of date, it probably will be when the conservatives have finished with it.

You can not judge labour policies on the the Sheffield council Sheffield council have always been mad I think they live on another planet sometimes.

As for the non working man just think what it would be like if it was up to the conservatives no work out on the streets begging like it used to be not long ago before the loabour government started the welfare system,there are people who abuse it we know that but it is there for us when we need help and a lot of people we start needing it when the Conservative policy's really start to bite soon.

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Labour threw hundreds of borrowed billions at the public sector to little effect. Most of it went on more jobs and higher pay for the unions members. I don't see how that benefited more than a few people.


The blindingly obvious reason spending is being cut and taxes are going up is to get to a point where we can stop borrowing £4,000,000,000 a week to keep public services going. That was Labour's legacy to the working man. I don't see how having that level of debt helps the working man at all.


Labour had 13 years to help people like me. All they did was borrow money, put up taxes and spend the proceeds on vanity projects. What would have helped me would have been to cut taxes for the low paid, the old, children and the unemployed. They could have improved public services, streamlined bureaucracy and kept the borders closed. I fail to see how letting in millions of immigrants helped the working man at all.

do you do only selective answering to questions ? none of what you wrote here answers what i asked you so can you try again :hihi:
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Why do you tell so many lies? The reason we are in debt was because we bailed out the Conservatives friends, the bankers, which the Cons would have done too. Infact, your selective memory has probably overlooked the fact that the Cons said, right upto the Credit Crunch, that they would, match Labours' public spending plans.

In your rant about the improving conditions for the working man, didn't the Cons oppose Labours introduction of the minimum wage?




You really do never tire of being wrong do you?


When the banks went bust Brown, correctly, borrowed £145bn to bail them out because if hadn't most of the country would have lost their homes, their pensions and their jobs. Some of that cash we will get back when they are sold off.


When the banks went bust the government lost a quarter of it's income which it was getting by taxing the banks. What Brown did wrong was to borrow the shortfall instead of cutting back on expenditure. At the time the shortfall was about £170bn a year which he borrowed in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Consequently the current government inherited a debt of about £650bn. The interest on that alone was £125m a WEEK. That is what the current government is trying to get under control without too much pain. They could, of course, just cut public spending by 25%.

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I dont know were to start with this one but

Thatchers government set education back a hundred years in this country my kids were educated under thatchers government I educated them more than they learnt at school.

Most of the public services were sold of or destroyed under thatchers government

All the misery ive lived through has been under conservative governments and the present one

Tell me anything thing the conservatives have or ever did for Sheffield or even Yorkshire that was of any help at all.

The labour government do have a direction they just don't seem to have right leader at the moment

as for things being out of date would you say that about the NHS being out of date, it probably will be when the conservatives have finished with it.

You can not judge labour policies on the the Sheffield council Sheffield council have always been mad I think they live on another planet sometimes.

As for the non working man just think what it would be like if it was up to the conservatives no work out on the streets begging like it used to be not long ago before the loabour government started the welfare system,there are people who abuse it we know that but it is there for us when we need help and a lot of people we start needing it when the Conservative policy's really start to bite soon.



It's hard to debate with someone who simply does not understand either economics or history. The country was bust, as usual, when the Tories took over from Labour in 1979. There was no money for education or health or any of the other nice to have social programmes. You can't have any of those things if you haven't got the money to pay for them. The utilities were sold off to pay the debts Labour racked up after going cap in hand to the IMF for a bail out. How else could we pay our debts? Your answer would be to borrow more.


Saying SCC are mad is just a cop out. They are more Labour than New Labour.


The Conservatives paid for the Supertram and the Airport and they have promised £220m for Sheffield schools. Need any more?

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do you do only selective answering to questions ? none of what you wrote here answers what i asked you so can you try again :hihi:


I am not interested in the Tories. I am looking for a reason to support Labour. Tell me what Labour would do differently. It's all very well complaining and blaming someone else. That's easy. Convince me Labour have a better plan.

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I am not interested in the Tories. I am looking for a reason to support Labour. Tell me what Labour would do differently. It's all very well complaining and blaming someone else. That's easy. Convince me Labour have a better plan.
still cant answer my questions can you ?you say your not interested in the tories yet argue about everything labour has done wrong (your opinion). you sound like a tory to me :hihi: again ill await your answers to my questions
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