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What have Labour ever done for you?

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Why do you tell so many lies? The reason we are in debt was because we bailed out the Conservatives friends, the bankers, which the Cons would have done too. Infact, your selective memory has probably overlooked the fact that the Cons said, right upto the Credit Crunch, that they would, match Labours' public spending plans.

In your rant about the improving conditions for the working man, didn't the Cons oppose Labours introduction of the minimum wage?

As has been explained above, nobody is telling lies and the banking rescue was an essential move that any government would have had to make.

The national debt is at its insane level as a result of too many years of Labour overspend, and if you do some (simple) maths you'll see that the cost of the bank bailout is a small proportion of the probem.

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Most of the folks on here would vote Labour if they were marching Jews to the gas chamber. Nothing on earth, especially facts, is going to make them change.


I have seen some good arguments for their social programmes and there is no doubt they try, and fail, to help those on the margins of society but as someone else said John Major brought in good social change as well. Labour's best work seem to be behind them. So far nobody has suggested the economy is better in Labour hands and it seems to me that Labour's downfall is always the economy. It's certainly why I left them. None of these folks seem to get the connection between having a successful economy and having the money to pay for social programmes.


It seems to me that if Labour could ditch the snarling, class war veterans, anti wealth creation, lefty loons they might have a programme that really would work. Unfortunately it's those people who fund the party so they seem doomed by a large part of their own supporters.


Accusing others of snarling while stating people's party allegiences is akin to Jews being marched to the gas chambers shows a complete lack of self awareness, & to be honest the Labour Party (or any mainstream party) is better off without your support.

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As has been explained above, nobody is telling lies and the banking rescue was an essential move that any government would have had to make.

The national debt is at its insane level as a result of too many years of Labour overspend, and if you do some (simple) maths you'll see that the cost of the bank bailout is a small proportion of the probem.


Save money for a rainy day and then what?

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Apart from a few spells working abroad and in other parts of the country I have lived in this city for more than 50 years. In all that time Labour have pretty much run the council and had two tries at running the country. The people of this city would vote Labour if a red rosette was pinned to a sheep. In God's name why?


This city languishes at the bottom of almost every educational, cultural, economic and social measure you can name. We have debts of £2.1bn and a council management and leadership that seem hell bent on making things worse. They have spent years developing a culture of ignorance and stupidity that deters inward investment and when they get handed public money they squander it on useless projects and schemes that have no long term benefits. They have no plan and no ideas to change the situation.


As a consequence of Labour running the city not only does it fail to attract investment but it's public services cannot attract the best the UK has to offer. We always have to make do with second or third rate losers. You only have to look at the council's management team to see that. When the chief constable job came up only TWO people from the whole of the UK expressed an interest in it and only one actually wanted it. The same goes in education where head teacher posts lie vacant all over the city.


With all that unswerving support you would expect that Labour councillors would be grateful enough to help their supporters with jobs, housing, transport and life in general. You would expect a Labour government to be grateful enough to make sure their supporters received everything they need for a secure life. Instead they take their blind allegiance for granted and start on projects of their own knowing their followers will follow anywhere they go. Iraq, Afghanistan and The City for example. In Sheffield the muppets at the top decide that there is obviously enough jobs and hosuing for everyone so they invite the rest of the world to come here and live. They turn an already struggling city into a City of Sanctuary and leave their own supporters trying to find places to live while they welcome every colour, race and creed to come in and have whatever they need on the taxes of the people who do actually have jobs.


By starting this thread all I want to know is: Why?


I appreciate all constructive comments and I accept that Labour have helped some on the margins but most people simply vote Labour because.......................

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Apart from a few spells working abroad and in other parts of the country I have lived in this city for more than 50 years. In all that time Labour have pretty much run the council and had two tries at running the country. The people of this city would vote Labour if a red rosette was pinned to a sheep. In God's name why?


This city languishes at the bottom of almost every educational, cultural, economic and social measure you can name. We have debts of £2.1bn and a council management and leadership that seem hell bent on making things worse. They have spent years developing a culture of ignorance and stupidity that deters inward investment and when they get handed public money they squander it on useless projects and schemes that have no long term benefits. They have no plan and no ideas to change the situation.


As a consequence of Labour running the city not only does it fail to attract investment but it's public services cannot attract the best the UK has to offer. We always have to make do with second or third rate losers. You only have to look at the council's management team to see that. When the chief constable job came up only TWO people from the whole of the UK expressed an interest in it and only one actually wanted it. The same goes in education where head teacher posts lie vacant all over the city.


With all that unswerving support you would expect that Labour councillors would be grateful enough to help their supporters with jobs, housing, transport and life in general. You would expect a Labour government to be grateful enough to make sure their supporters received everything they need for a secure life. Instead they take their blind allegiance for granted and start on projects of their own knowing their followers will follow anywhere they go. Iraq, Afghanistan and The City for example. In Sheffield the muppets at the top decide that there is obviously enough jobs and hosuing for everyone so they invite the rest of the world to come here and live. They turn an already struggling city into a City of Sanctuary and leave their own supporters trying to find places to live while they welcome every colour, race and creed to come in and have whatever they need on the taxes of the people who do actually have jobs.


By starting this thread all I want to know is: Why?


I appreciate all constructive comments and I accept that Labour have helped some on the margins but most people simply vote Labour because.......................


Labour have held power 3 times in the last 50 years.


1964-70, 1974- 79, 1997-2011

And you come on here berating people for not getting their facts correct

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The people of this city would vote Labour if a red rosette was pinned to a sheep. In God's name why?


Yes and some people would still vote for a donkey if they pinned a blue conservative rosette on it, despite knowing full what the tories would do and have done in the past, if they did win the election. Your point is?

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[QUOTE=Jim Graham;8603891]Apart from a few spells working abroad and in other parts of the country I have lived in this city for more than 50 years. In all that time Labour have pretty much run the council and had two tries at running the country. The people of this city would vote Labour if a red rosette was pinned to a sheep. In God's name why?


This city languishes at the bottom of almost every educational, cultural, economic and social measure you can name. We have debts of £2.1bn and a council management and leadership that seem hell bent on making things worse. They have spent years developing a culture of ignorance and stupidity that deters inward investment and when they get handed public money they squander it on useless projects and schemes that have no long term benefits. They have no plan and no ideas to change the situation.


As a consequence of Labour running the city not only does it fail to attract investment but it's public services cannot attract the best the UK has to offer. We always have to make do with second or third rate losers. You only have to look at the council's management team to see that. When the chief constable job came up only TWO people from the whole of the UK expressed an interest in it and only one actually wanted it. The same goes in education where head teacher posts lie vacant all over the city.


With all that unswerving support you would expect that Labour councillors would be grateful enough to help their supporters with jobs, housing, transport and life in general. You would expect a Labour government to be grateful enough to make sure their supporters received everything they need for a secure life. Instead they take their blind allegiance for granted and start on projects of their own knowing their followers will follow anywhere they go. Iraq, Afghanistan and The City for example. In Sheffield the muppets at the top decide that there is obviously enough jobs and hosuing for everyone so they invite the rest of the world to come here and live. They turn an already struggling city into a City of Sanctuary and leave their own supporters trying to find places to live while they welcome every colour, race and creed to come in and have whatever they need on the taxes of the people who do actually have jobs.


By starting this thread all I want to know is: Why?


I appreciate all constructive comments and I accept that Labour have helped some on the margins but most people simply vote Labour because.......................


Labour have held power 3 times in the last 50 years.


1964-70, 1974- 79, 1997-2011

And you come on here berating people for not getting their facts correct


That's the thing see, tories, or rather people who think they're tories, love to quote figures but they always screw up and get them wrong.

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Labour have held power 3 times in the last 50 years.


1964-70, 1974- 79, 1997-2011

And you come on here berating people for not getting their facts correct


I may not have clipped the above quote accurately so I may have to do a quick edit


But, it is not strictly true to say Labour have held power 3 times in the last 50 years - if you class each election as a separate time, they've won power 7 times in the last 50 years (albeit once with a minority Government) to the Conservatives 6 times (including one with the current coalition) - the actual years in office work out at about 25 years each


It would appear that the two major parties should take an equal share of the blame for the decline of our country over the last 50 years;)

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Why (badly) quote Jim and then not reply to what he'd posted, instead just listing that Labour have held power 3 times in 50 years. What's that got to do with anything?


Why have I badly quoted his posting. I picked out the relevant point that is incorrect. Which is what he does and very often includes personal abuse.

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