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What have Labour ever done for you?

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Of course everyone should have the same rights but they should be conditional not unconditional. You know very well some so called minorities are very organised and push the boundaries against weak politicians to gain advantageous "rights" that exceed what the majority enjoy. My view is that some groups are now getting preferential treatment over the wider population.


I don't read newspapers but I am sure they hype up cases for their readers. But you don't have to be a Daily Mail reader to see minorities getting a better deal through positive discrimination.


I know very well that some minority groups have had to organise to get their voices heard in the corridors of power. Earlier I quoted gay and disabled people as examples of minorities that have been marginalised. Could you give me examples of the preferential treatment that these groups now enjoy over straight and able bodied people.

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I don't know how old you are but you don't sound like you had to live through the last tory government, conservatives will do nothing for the working man and never have done they are only interested in putting everyone on the dole and destroying the NHS it is there policy to keep the serfs under control and the best way to do it is financially,Labour have worked hard for years to lift the standards of living for the working man, if it was up to the torys the working class would be like peasants plowing a field living on gruel and turnips and doffing there caps to to the gentry, take it from the past experiences of the torys they do nothing for the hard working descent people of this country and forget about the trickle down system what the torys always go on about nothing trickles anywhere down it just trickles in to the bank accounts of the snobby landed gentry and bent money shufflers.


That's funny because this thread is based on the OP's observation that the same accusation can be rightly thrown at Labour. It's the non-working man that seems to get looked after. Socialism is wonderful in theory but in practice serves only to make life easy for the cheats while the real working man pays for it all.

It was the money grubbers Blair and Brown that paved the way for the bankers' excesses and gave them knighthoods for it so don't give us that gruel and turnips claptrap.

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It was the money grubbers Blair and Brown that paved the way for the bankers' excesses and gave them knighthoods for it so don't give us that gruel and turnips claptrap.


It was also Thatcher, Lawson, Lamont and Major before them.


We are currently, collectively wearing the results of a political calamity that has been 30 years in the making. From the big bang to the big crash, none of our politicians have had the balls to do the right thing by the hard working men and women of the country.


Instead, we've fed the wealthy. And we continue to do so, lest they take their "expertise" elsewhere. To coin a phrase "It's time for change".

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It was also Thatcher, Lawson, Lamont and Major before them.


We are currently, collectively wearing the results of a political calamity that has been 30 years in the making. From the big bang to the big crash, none of our politicians have had the balls to do the right thing by the hard working men and women of the country.


Instead, we've fed the wealthy. And we continue to do so, lest they take their "expertise" elsewhere. To coin a phrase "It's time for change".


Bang on Sibs. But, what do we do :(

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It was also Thatcher, Lawson, Lamont and Major before them.


We are currently, collectively wearing the results of a political calamity that has been 30 years in the making. From the big bang to the big crash, none of our politicians have had the balls to do the right thing by the hard working men and women of the country.


Instead, we've fed the wealthy. And we continue to do so, lest they take their "expertise" elsewhere. To coin a phrase "It's time for change".


We also feed the scrounging doleites.

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