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Electronic cigarettes - more awareness needed

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The thing that turns me off ecigs is the dependence on battery, factory made cartridges, and general electronic gubbins.


The technology is still developing. The cig I got recently has a 650ma battery which lasts ages and only needs charging for a couple of hours, during which time I switch to the other that came in the kit. Newer models don't use cartridges, you just drip the juice straight into the atomising chamber.


E-cigs are for people who want the physical sensation of smoking to get their nicotine hit, so I don't think it's quite in the same category as snus. Looks interesting though.

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One freak incident. You'll have to do better than that. We don't even know if he was using it correctly or if he had modded it.


And yes, there should be more awareness on the dangers of using e-cigs, but we need a bit of perspective at the same time.


A few quirks about that freak accident.


1) it happened the day before you started your thread.

2) up until this incident they were deemed safe.

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I've been using an e-cig for just over a year now.

I have tried various ones but now have settled on an ego-C from totally wicked (because the atomisers work out cheaper than other ones).

I have gone through ups and downs with is as nicotine liquids have changed etc, and my favourite flavours have disappeared, but all in all I get on with it well.

I don't know that I've saved than much money as I have spent so much on trying different e-cigs and various juices etc, but I guess I may have saved a bit.

I do know however that I feel a lot better, no longer smell of cigarettes (usually mint, or orange or blackcurrant or something instead!) and am much happier knowing that I don't have all those nasty chemicals in my body.

Am I still addicted to nicotine? Yes I am.

But do I have the cough and they constant tiredness, bad chest, horrid smell etc etc that I had from the tobacco with smoking? No I don't.

Did I ever think that an electronic cigarette would stop me from smoking normal cigarettes? No, but it did

Would I recommend them? Most definitely!!!!!!!!!

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Regarding the situation with the one that exploded.

Be careful not to assume that this was quite as straightforward as it appears.

A lot of people modify their e-cigs, using atomisers that need higher powered batteries on lower powered ones, using various pieces of equipment all joined together for the 'ultimate vaping experience' etc etc

They also use batteries that aren't designed for ecigs and do not contain protected circuits etc.

What I am saying is that the press will only tell so much...after all it would be boring to say what really could have happened, and wouldn't create the same level of impact of scaremongering than just saying an e-cig exploded.

The real e-cigs (and I am talking about the ones you buy from reputable suppliers - not the ones for a fiver on ebay) are built in such a way that explosion just isn't possible.

The reality is that some people just can't help taking things apart, removing bits, adding bits etc etc etc and then they wonder why things go wrong! I don't think the amount of vodka that this person had put in to it helped either...but again, that wasn't discussed very publicly!

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I have repeatedly had my 'dynamite cigarette lottery' threads removed from SF, which were initially a jokey sort of thread.


In the past week a man was blown up by his cigarette...




Be careful when lighting up!

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