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Electronic cigarettes - more awareness needed

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Well I've assembled this vaping contraption and inserted an 8mg cartridge, I've been taking a few puffs every now and again for the last few hours when I feel the need.

Already I feel like I've been vaping for a lifetime and am now a fully fledged juice addict.


Does it make you choke?

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I buy all of my kit and my juice from Totally Wicked UK.


I would recommend joining their facebook and twitter pages too as they have daily discount codes....for example today the code on facebook gets you 12% off everything, and the twitter one gets you 19% off of everything! These change each day.


Also the forum on totally wicked is great for support and is full of info for newbies!


Do they make you choke? That depends on a few things.


Firstly it depends on the strength of nicotime liquid you buy, e.g. if I bought 36mg it would probably choke me big time (although i did buy this to start with!).


It also depends on the quality of liquid, and to be honest sometimes the flavour too. I love double apple shisha but it does sometimes make me cough.


As far as quality of liquids I stick to those bought from totally wicked and also buy decadent vapours (totaly wicked no longer sell these but you can get them direct from decadent vapours). Any other liquids I have tried have dried my throat and made me cough to be honest.


One other thing to consider is that like smoking, vaping can take a couple of days or so to adjust too. Remember the first real cigarette?? It probably made you cough. The first few vapes might too as it is a new thing hitting your throat.


The bottom line though is that you really do get what you pay for.


When it comes to flavours I would buy a few small bottles 5 or 10 mls and test them.


I love cherry flavour things like ice cream, sweets etc but I really don't like cherry e-juice. I don't like menthol flavour things generally but I like menthol e-juice. Just don't assume that you will like to vape the same flavours as you like to eat/drink.


Also, your taste buds will be ruined from smoking and take a while to adjust. You might buy a flavour liquid and really not like it. If that's the case, don't throw it away...a few months later when your taste buds have come back a little it could become your favourite!


Plus, after vaping the same liquid for a few days you may notice you can't taste it as much any more. The best way to avoid this is to rotate flavours every few days. This way you don't become over accustomed to one flavour.


Good luck!


ps. I smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 24 years (from age 12 to age 36) until I started vaping a year ago!

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Digsy: 8mg juice is actually classed as 'low' so you may find that you need to go a little higher if you find after a day or two you're not getting that 'hit'. I'm not saying for one minute that you will...just that you might! if you don't need to go stronger though then that's fantastic!

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Digsy: 8mg juice is actually classed as 'low' so you may find that you need to go a little higher if you find after a day or two you're not getting that 'hit'. I'm not saying for one minute that you will...just that you might! if you don't need to go stronger though then that's fantastic!


I think I might too considering I purchased 10x25ml cherry flavoured bottles.

Just using up the 5 free cartridges that came in the kit, 8mg through to 24mg.


What I want to know is, how many puffs on the e-cig is equivalent to a fag.

So for example the dosage in the cartridge I currently have in is equal to that of a packet of Marlborough ultra lights.

Is it the same dosage drag for drag, or is 1 drag = to that of a fag.


And more importantly, how do I know when to give our lass two's.

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Hi Digsy

Your question I'm afraid is not one I can answer. In fact it is the topic of many a thread on the totally wicked forum.

The reality is that no one is really sure how to compare real cigs (known to vapers as analogues!) with e-cigs.

The nicotine is absorbed differently and how much we absorb from either an ecig or an analogue is so incredibly hard to measure.

For example, you and I could both smoke a marlboro light and one of us could absorb more nictone than the other, depending on how many drags we take, how long the drag is, how long we hold the smoke in our lungs before exhaling etc etc. The same applies with e-cigs.

It might be worth joining the totally wicked forum - just go to the totally wicked site, click on social, then on forum, and reading about it on there...or asking the question. There is another good forum for this too which is ukvapers.com.

There are a lot of varied opinions though so don't be surprised if you end up still not knowing!

One thing though....it is definitely NOT measured in the same way as far as mg are concerned. Don't think that 24mg strength juice is the same as 24mg when written on a cigarette packet....it doesn't work like that. 24mg on ejuice means that in every 100mg of liquid, 24mg of it is nicotime. the measurements on normal cigarettes is different. Honeslty, the more experienced people on the vaping forum will be much better at explaining this than me!

I spent ages trying to work it out and in the end I gave up!

I'm just glad that I don't get all the side effects from smoking any more, even if I am still addicted to nicotine!

I have cut down from 36mg strenght to 24mg, then 18mg and sometimes used 10 or 11 mg now. For me it's more about the flavour and the action of blowing out a vapour than the nicotine now...although I know I'm not yet ready to take the plunge and cut oyt nicotine completely...and besides, I enjoy vaping!

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So far so good, my face hasn't exploded off yet.

I swapped the 8mg for a refill with the 25mg cherry juice, and I must say I haven't needed a normal fag yet, interesting.


Our 5 year old girl noticed me with it and came enquiring.

Her verdict was "I can't smell noffin" sniff "noffin".

I asked her if it was better than a normal cigarette.

"yes a lot better, they're not smelly".

She looked quite amazed by it.

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So far so good, my face hasn't exploded off yet.

I swapped the 8mg for a refill with the 25mg cherry juice, and I must say I haven't needed a normal fag yet, interesting.


Our 5 year old girl noticed me with it and came enquiring.

Her verdict was "I can't smell noffin" sniff "noffin".

I asked her if it was better than a normal cigarette.

"yes a lot better, they're not smelly".

She looked quite amazed by it.


Yes they are quite novel little things. Did you buy it offline? You seemed to get hold of it pretty quick.

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