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Electronic cigarettes - more awareness needed

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I started using e-cigs a week ago. They're brilliant! I honestly can't tell the difference between them and a conventional cig. Well ... apart from the fact that I don't have stinky breath and a nasty taste in my mouth. My O/H doesn't smoke and although she doesn't mind me smoking, she's pretty impressed with these cigs too!

I walked up Jacob's Ladder today in gale force conditions ... it would've been impossible to smoke a normal cig. No problems with e-cig ... a few drags and put it back in your pocket.

I got mine from http://WWW.ECIGSBRAND.COM :)

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I don't think I'm going to get used to this choking with the e-cig that I've got now. It's not like a normal smokers cough, it's a real choking sensation as if I've tried to inhale sulphur or some other poisonous gas.


Just did a google seach about Propylene Glycol and apparently it's an irritant to some people, so that's probably why it's making me choke :(

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It could be the PG. If it is then there are vegetable glycerine (VG) or aqueous glycerine (AG) liquids available. There is also PEG100 which is a combination.

PG allergies aren't that common and I expect it is probably more to do with poor quality liquid if I'm honest.

What eliquid is it that you are using, I mean brand. I cannot touch a lot of the cheaper ones as they are terrible!


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I would probably try one of the liquids from totally wicked to be honest. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/

I know I go on about them but they really are high quality.

Either that or go for one from decadent vapours (although their site seems to have gone a bit weird!)

Another option is to call totally wickeds customer services and see what they recommend. They are usually really good.

If you do order from them though, don't pay full price. Join their facebook and twitter pages and they give discount codes out every day. The discount amounts differ between facebook and twitter too so it's worth joining both. The facebook code today gives 17% off and the twitter one gives 15% off.

I think if I'm honest though that it probably is the liquid you're using rather than the PG, but I could be wrong!

The forum on the TW site is also a good place for info. I know there are a couple of people on there that have a PG allergy and they have found ways round it.


the quality of the actual e-cig makes a huge difference too to the whole vaping experience. I tried so many cheap versions and none really satisfied my cravings completely. I now use a tornado ego-c, but also use a tornado tank and titan tank (as i still have those and they still work!). The ego-c is not cheap to start with but the atomisers work out cheaper than the others so long term it's more cost effective.

I know that smoking used to cost me approx £150 - £180 per month, yet speding £70 on an e-cig seemed expensive. Weird but when spending money on real cigarettes I never gave it a second thought! Maybe it's becuase it was a smaller amount each day rather than all in one go.

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Well I have to say I am enjoying it, not felt the need for a cig since I started puffing on it.

I've had to recharge each battery once so far. Not sure how many drops to drags I'm getting out of it yet, I read up that between 3-5 without making a puddle.

I've refilled it three times since yesterday because after awhile it turns from a nice drag to a foul cough encouraging burnt out taste.

Also read that to avoid the burnt tastes it's wise to add one drop to the atomiser.


It's strange and I've just worked out I have to start buying spare atomisers.


Our lass has started looking at hers and taking the odd puff on it.

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