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Anybody here a registered voter?

Are you registered to vote?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you registered to vote?

    • Yes.
    • Only out in the real world.
    • Yes, but not registered in Sheffield.
    • Not registered to vote.

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If only they were as unbelievable as Mandy Patinkin.


As you say, they are probably not intending to do anything about it, but would you like to put your name and address in the public domain in my position, in the knowledge that not only do people make all sorts of nasty threats, but you also attract stalkers of a very unpleasant kind?


Anyway, back to the title of the thread...


Sorry to hear you get threats and stalkers but I've seen you about and I'm sure I'm right just from the stuff you've said about yourself on here.


Don't worry I'm no stalker:hihi: we must live in the same area.


It was you marching (military style) across the Ponderosa in the pouring rain with stick and German shepherd yesterday wasn't it?:o:hihi:

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I was wondering how many registered voters there are on this forum, and whether or not there are enough to have any constitutional validity.


Obviously to count, there would have to somewhere be a record tying your on-line identity to your real one.


I'm registered to vote but my SF id is top secret:hihi:


I suspect it's a good thing that many forummers never meet too, judging by some of the disagreements (often heated).:hihi:

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It's not my field of expertise, but surely the chief reason why it would not is that this is a private forum, and subject only to whatever rules its owner sees fit to impose?

Obviously, if we were to hold such a meeting, we would first seek permission of the forum owners. It is no different in principal from hiring a privately owned hall to hold a physical meeting.

how about that people with no internet access are automatically excluded from the meeting

A valid point. Internet access can be provided for them easily enough though: eg set up some temporary internet cafes.

I suspect it's a good thing that many forummers never meet too, judging by some of the disagreements (often heated).:hihi:

All the more reason for holding a meeting in a virtual space.

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