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Its when you are on JSA and you HAVE to work 30 hrs a week for a month for your benefits.check the linky.


I don't see anything wrong with that, employed people have to work for their wages, why shouldn't unemployed have to work for their benefits.

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Now Asda is accused of employing youths - for no wage


Filling time when you're out of work isn't easy. Former music student Joseph Wilson had been unemployed for three months when his local Jobcentre told him they had found something for him to do. It was a work placement at Asda and it was clear in the official letter, he says, that it wasn't voluntary. If he didn't attend he could have his benefit cut. "We weren't asked anything, we weren't asked, we were told. This is what you'll be doing," he explained.


Joseph and 11 other jobseekers were set to work in the local Asda store in Harrogate in North Yorkshire, over the busy Christmas period. He says they weren't shadowing staff, they were just doing the job. "We were doing the work itself. For the first week or so I'd have a manager hanging round just to make sure we weren't doing too badly. After that we were basically doing the work," said Joseph.


Joseph said his full-time paid colleagues were less than thrilled. "At nights when it was quiet and there was no one around to hear it would be like 'This is rubbish. There's no overtime and you're doing our work for us'."


At the end of his five week placement Joseph wasn't offered a job but he was given a reference - a reference that was very much less than personal. It was a pro forma note, with his name added in and an opening line which said: "During this time he/she proved herself/himself to be punctual and hard-working."


Joseph said it would have taken the company two minutes to delete the inappropriate words, but "they couldn't even be bothered to do that."




For those who don't see anything wrong with the unemployed working for their benefits in the service of private profit big business, do they realise that such action is distorting the unskilled labour market, destroying job and overtime opportunities and giving an unfair competitive advantage to those companies that participate in this modern day slavery over those that do not?

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Some folks are paying to go to China to work for nothing so they have work experience on their CV. I suppose they go over there because they won't have politically motivated know it alls telling them they can't do it.


You make me chuckle.


Are these supposed 'folks' who are 'paying to go to China to work for nothing so they have work experience on their CV' intending to work in a supermarket? What type of work experience are they hoping to get? And why can't they get it over here?


The nearest Asda or Tesco is much closer than travelling all the way to China just to get some work experience!

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You make me chuckle.


Are these supposed 'folks' who are 'paying to go to China to work for nothing so they have work experience on their CV' intending to work in a supermarket? What type of work experience are they hoping to get? And why can't they get it over here?


The nearest Asda or Tesco is much closer than travelling all the way to China just to get some work experience!


I know you would like to missrepresent the workfare scheme as only offering work at ASDA or Tesco, but in reality young people have been finding placements in all manner of businesses and trades.

Some graduates are choosing to take up positions in industries in China which are quite often menial tasks at no pay whatsoever so they can add it to their CV. That makes a massive difference to their job prospects. Something that those trying to prevent people volunteering for the scheme want to brush under the table.

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Can some of you people just get one thing in your heads.




Correct. They are unpaid conscripts.




Incorrect. They are working almost exactly like an employee, but with responsibilities such as cash handling taken out.


They are not compelled to work bound by company policy, job contracts, role descriptions, regulations, responsibilities or fixed duties. They are not contractually obliged to turn up, they are not bound by staffing rotas to work a set amount of hours, they are not under jurisdiction of company managers or supervisors.


They are compelled to turn up at a certain time, where appropriate clothing and work under direction. The JobCentre, or companies such as A4e, inform the private profit companies that if a workfare conscript does not cooperate, or is disruptive, then a benefit sanction will follow.


Somebody can lose their benefit for not working hard enough, or arriving a few minutes late. Or taking too long on their break...

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Some graduates are choosing to take up positions in industries in China which are quite often menial tasks at no pay whatsoever so they can add it to their CV. That makes a massive difference to their job prospects. Something that those trying to prevent people volunteering for the scheme want to brush under the table.


This thread is not discussing the offspring of wealthy middle-class families who can afford to travel to China for unpaid 'work experience', and let mummy and daddy support them whilst they engage in 'menial tasks at no pay whatsoever'. Poor little rich darlings.


It is about the disadvantaged and vulnerable in this country being exploited by big business.

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Some graduates are choosing to take up positions in industries in China which are quite often menial tasks at no pay whatsoever so they can add it to their CV. That makes a massive difference to their job prospects. Something that those trying to prevent people volunteering for the scheme want to brush under the table.


Middle-class graduates going to China for work experience and to improve their CV’s is not the same thing as workfare at all. For a start, it is extremely unlikely that the long term unemployed could afford to travel 5,000 odd miles AND take a year or two out from their jobsearch, just for a beefier CV.

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