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Stop workfare join today

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Can I ask a simple question, well two.


What is the problem with people working for their benefits?

Are those opposed to this scheme unhappy because private businesses are profiting from the unemployed's work? Would they be so inclined if the work was done to be undertaken in the community rather then stacking shelves for example?


Sorry if these have already been answered on this thread.

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Can I ask a simple question, well two.


What is the problem with people working for their benefits?


Benefits are not sustainable earnings, most people feel that they go to work to earn themselves a living and not to line the pockets of the unscrupulous.


Are those opposed to this scheme unhappy because private businesses are profiting from the unemployed's work? Would they be so inclined if the work was done to be undertaken in the community rather then stacking shelves for example?


I think most people are opposed to private businesses profiting at the taxpayers expense, I also believe that people should expect reasonable remuneration for their labour, afterall isn't that what the national minimum wage is for.


Work for nothing schemes like this are morally reprehensible and thoroughly abhorrent IMO.

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Can I ask a simple question, well two.


What is the problem with people working for their benefits?


These are the main problems...


The people that used to be paid to do those jobs end up on the dole.

Employers aren't paying, the taxpayer is giving them free labour.

It's a living allowance not wages.

They're forced into unsuitable jobs.

No training or anything that would help them into paid work is given.

It costs a hell of a lot of money to administer the scheme, much more than is paid out to people working for their dole.

It multiplies the number of unemployed. You have the unemployed person on the scheme plus the newly unemployed person who's job they took.



Are those opposed to this scheme unhappy because private businesses are profiting from the unemployed's work? Would they be so inclined if the work was done to be undertaken in the community rather then stacking shelves for example?


That's one of the reasons, but even if it's "community work" if there is a job to be done then it should be paid a fair wage. People are paid for 'community work', what happens to the council workers that it'll put on the dole, will they have to start doing their old jobs for free? We have a minimum wage law. If you're having them doing jobs which aren't worth paying somebody to do then it's a completely pointless exercise.


If we were in a good jobs market & there were plenty of jobs for everybody, just a few people stuck on the dole then workfare schemes have more success. It's not like that now, there aren't enough jobs, that's why there are so many unemployed. Workfare destroys jobs rather than creating any & the employment market is fragile enough at the moment.

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Why can't claimants be asked to do 10 hours a week, which would allow them to get experience and stay in the habit of working whilst still 'paying' NMW?


Charities, community groups and small business could apply to be partners in the scheme so that it would benefit the local economy - instead of providing free work for the big businesses who pass on their profits to bankers.


Surely, if Cameron genuinely believes in this "Big Society" (instead of just using it as a cover for selling off the state to his millionaire cronies) then he'd be all for this compromise?

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It would allow volunteering with charities for a start - something currently banned for JSA claimants.



The British Heart Foundation that I start at on monday dont need volunteers anymore as they have a constant supply of Mandatory Work Activity people sent to them by companies like A4E.

In fact I have spoke to the manager and he was exasperated that A4E are sending him more MWA people than he needs ,me being the latest one,so as you can see its all about A4E and other providers getting rich off the taxpayers.No job at the end of the months free labor either,its a joke.

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