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The British Heart Foundation that I start at on monday dont need volunteers anymore as they have a constant supply of Mandatory Work Activity people sent to them by companies like A4E.

In fact I have spoke to the manager and he was exasperated that A4E are sending him more MWA people than he needs ,me being the latest one,so as you can see its all about A4E and other providers getting rich off the taxpayers.No job at the end of the months free labor either,its a joke.

so why are you going ? just asking out of curiosity
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I think most people are opposed to private businesses profiting at the taxpayers expense

Still no one has answered this yet, and it has been asked countless times in these threads... can you post evidence that employers get payments for MWA unless the staff are taken on?


These are the main problems...


The people that used to be paid to do those jobs end up on the dole.

Where is the evidence that this is common practice as you state it. I can't find any evidence of anyone.

Employers aren't paying, the taxpayer is giving them free labour.

How are the tax payer paying any more than they would if it was just paying the benefit?

It's a living allowance not wages.

And? It's not supposed to be wages.

They're forced into unsuitable jobs.

Possibly on occasion.

No training or anything that would help them into paid work is given.

Too vague to answer. Are you learning how to post by copying Interviewer?

It costs a hell of a lot of money to administer the scheme, much more than is paid out to people working for their dole.

£1.3billion. Which is significantly less than the £5billion that new deal cost. That didn't seem to popular at the time either. Other than yourself who said it worked for you.

It multiplies the number of unemployed.

You have the unemployed person on the scheme plus the newly unemployed person who's job they took.

Prove it, prove that the unemployed person on the scheme puts someone out of work. You have written this as matter of fact - so I expect to be able to see evidence that this is a common thing.




That's one of the reasons, but even if it's "community work" if there is a job to be done then it should be paid a fair wage. People are paid for 'community work', what happens to the council workers that it'll put on the dole, will they have to start doing their old jobs for free?

In one paragraph you has asked a question - 'if it's "community work" if there is a job to be done then it should be paid a fair wage'


then answered it yourself...


'what happens to the council workers that it'll put on the dole'... showing that the money isn't available to pay for every job that would ideally be done.


Workfare destroys jobs rather than creating any & the employment market is fragile enough at the moment.

Again prove it. I want to see all these claims that you and your friends are posting.



Define this Anna. No one has yet in all of these debates posted any evidence that the MWA employers take any payments. They only take payments for people that they actually employ following work experience (as far as I can work out, or anyone has linked)

Still waiting for this claim to answered. I've asked at least 4 of you to answer it, and no one has. Can anyone?

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Here's an extract from the 'Payments' section of the guidance for MWA providers.


As the Provider, you are paid once the customer has started their MWA

placement. This recognises the importance given to setting up and

starting the customer on a work placement quickly, and ensuring robust

processes are in place for timely exchange of information between JCP

and you thereafter.


8.3 When you enter the MWA Placement Start Date onto PRaP you are

declaring all activities at 4.4 have been completed and are available for

evidencing should they be requested by DWP. Once the start date has

been entered onto PRaP, this will trigger a payment to be made via

Bankers’ Automated Clearing Services (BACS). DWP will validate

payments periodically throughout the life of the contract.

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Here's an extract from the 'Payments' section of the guidance for MWA providers.


Thanks for clearing that up, Jessica :)


And still the quest for the answer to the claims of the likes of these exploiting companies like Tescos etc getting money for this continues. Anyone provide any evidence please?




Incidentally I found an answer to an earlier question on this/the other thread... I noticed on p. 31 that [as the provider] 'You are responsible for funding the customers travel costs during their time on the placement and attendance at any Engagement Activity if deemed appropriate.' That clears that up. So if your provider is A4E as is likely in Sheffield, then there's your answer.


Another answer to earlier claims is to the question of responsibility (on p.45 (ironically :hihi::hihi:)). The provider must...


'A2.10 You are responsible for ensuring that customers are not exploited.

A2.11 Employers may be tempted to get involved in the delivery of provision as a way of getting cheap labour or getting someone in to help during a busy period. This is not acceptable. Placements must be additional to existing or expected vacancies.

A2.12 Before arranging work related activity or other periods of attachment to an employer, you must be sure there is a genuine reason why the employer wants to offer customers the opportunity to work with them.'




I think it was Asda (don't quote me on Asda) that got caught out with A2.11, and if so rightly should pull out, as the breached all 3.

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Thanks for clearing that up, Jessica :)


And still the quest for the answer to the claims of the likes of these exploiting companies like Tescos etc getting money for this continues. Anyone provide any evidence please? [...]


Does what I posted not count as evidence, then?


Oh wait, I've misunderstood, haven't I? Provider does not equal employer. Sorry.

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Does what I posted not count as evidence, then?


It's evidence that providers get paid. That's no secret; A4E are often in the news, and in here, with links to taking advantage/ making a lot of money/ good at (delete as appropriate) being a one such company.


The posts in here, and my responses are trying to find the answer to whether these 'big companies' are being paid to take on MWAs.

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It's evidence that providers get paid. That's no secret; A4E are often in the news, and in here, with links to taking advantage/ making a lot of money/ good at (delete as appropriate) being a one such company.


The posts in here, and my responses are trying to find the answer to whether these 'big companies' are being paid to take on MWAs.


Yes, I figured that out a bit too late (see my edit above).


I suppose there's an argument that it doesn't actually matter whether or not Tesco's et al are being paid directly, since they're certainly being paid indirectly by receiving labour that doesn't cost them anything in wages.

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